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Seriously? :lolwut:
Reply 2
Seriously? :lolwut:

ya seriously it hurts like a ******.
Reply 3
Don't sneeze, tip your head back on it'll slide out eventually.
just blowwwwwww
Reply 5
Don't sneeze, tip your head back on it'll slide out eventually.

How long do I have to hold my head back? I tried and it's still tickling/hurting and not moving at all as far as I can feel.

I've got a seminar in an hour and I really don't want to be sitting there sneezing the whole time :o:

just blowwwwwww

Oh believe me I have, I spent the last 15-20mins just sitting here blowing my nose. I got a hell of a lot of snot but no carrot.
Reply 6
I feel for you, I once got a bit of noodle stuck in my nose after coughing while eating... it had spicy sauce on it too, painful :frown:
It should come out eventually by itself.
It happened to me with brocolli once, I just had to keep blowing my nose to get it out. Brocolli snot = lolz.
Reply 8
Don't worry, it will rot away in a few weeks :smile:
Reply 9
Don't worry, it will rot away in a few weeks :smile:

thank you for that image :puke:
Which nostril is it in? Close the other nostril and blow out hard and quick, it should fly out.

Haha love this thread.
Which nostril is it in? Close the other nostril and blow out hard and quick, it should fly out.

^ This sounds like it might work?
Reply 13
This made me laugh out loud! It reminds me of the time I got a stone stuck up my nose in primary school. While I was listening to our lunch lady read some story, we were inside because it was raining, I kept putting it up and letting it fall out again, then it disappeared and I was like WTF! (Or something to the sort considering I was in primary school).

Then I got manhandled to the headmistresses office while I was screaming 'Don't take me to herrr!' and luckily she wasn't in school that day. But I did get taken to casualty by ambulance to check it hadn't been lodged somewhere unfriendly!

I guess you should just try blowing out of your nostril until it become unlodged, or go to the doctors, I'm sure he'll have an entertaining time though! I can't imagine how uncomfortable that must be, but it's still pretty funny! :P
Reply 14
Which nostril is it in? Close the other nostril and blow out hard and quick, it should fly out.

That's what I've been doing, no luck. :frown: It just makes it tickle even more.

Nutini haha :biggrin:
Tweezers + mirror or a toothpick or chopstick to dislodge it instead of the tweezers. Or inhale water through your nose (this will feel very weird) and then blow out and LOADS of water rushes out and the carrot should be flushed out with the water. Massage the top of your nose as well and see if that makes any difference.
Reply 16
lool that's what happens when you sniff carrot :P
buy a rabbit
Reply 18
Use one finger and block the side of your nose that the carrot is NOT in, then breath in with your mouth, then try and push the carrot out of your nose.

If you suck the carrot into your nose, you might die btw.
Reply 19
i've had that before - when i've been sick and it's gone up the back of your nose. only thing i can suggest is making gross snorting noises to try and encourage it one way or the other - it'll either come out when you blow, or (which is far more gag-inducing) you'll swallow it :s-smilie: