This made me laugh out loud! It reminds me of the time I got a stone stuck up my nose in primary school. While I was listening to our lunch lady read some story, we were inside because it was raining, I kept putting it up and letting it fall out again, then it disappeared and I was like WTF! (Or something to the sort considering I was in primary school).
Then I got manhandled to the headmistresses office while I was screaming 'Don't take me to herrr!' and luckily she wasn't in school that day. But I did get taken to casualty by ambulance to check it hadn't been lodged somewhere unfriendly!
I guess you should just try blowing out of your nostril until it become unlodged, or go to the doctors, I'm sure he'll have an entertaining time though! I can't imagine how uncomfortable that must be, but it's still pretty funny! :P