The Student Room Group

Bone on wrist sticking out but doesn't hurt

A bone on my left wrist is sticking out, it's like a big bump. But it doesn't really hurt or anything, but I'm worried incase my wrist is dislocated or something.

I don't remember falling down or anything. A few days ago I was doing weights and both my wrists were quite aching understandably. I dunno if that's it.

My friend says it might be a cyst or something, so I'm considering whacking my hand with an Argos catalogue.
Reply 1
First off, dont do that, it aint gonna help. Firstly is it symmetrical? Do you by chance have a bump on the other wrist in the same place? If not, do go see someone about it because it isnt nothing.
that kind of happened to me.
but my hand was hit by a football and my hand bent backwards :/ i did get a lump in my wrist, which was a bone. but it did hurt..
go see someonee about itt :smile:
your pregnant.
Reply 4
i had one of those, i fully reccomend whacking it, based on NO medicsal evidence other than i did it, and it worked
Put it in the microwave for 2 minutes, season with salt and pepper and serve with a light salad dressing. Should sort it out.
Reply 6
If it doesn't hurt and you can't imagine why you'd have a bone sticking out, may I refer you to NW86's post:—

i had one of those, i fully reccomend whacking it, based on NO medicsal evidence other than i did it, and it worked

That sounds like a ganglion cyst, also known as a Bible bump due to the effective treatment of whacking them with a Bible.
Reply 7
If it doesn't hurt and you can't imagine why you'd have a bone sticking out, may I refer you to NW86's post:—

That sounds like a ganglion cyst, also known as a Bible bump due to the effective treatment of whacking them with a Bible.

lol that's genuinley what my dad told me to do, whack it with a bible!
Reply 8
lol that's genuinley what my dad told me to do, whack it with a bible!

At least the Bible is useful for something :P

Anyway, to the OP: Probably isn't a bone, if it isn't your regular wrist-bone lump, but could be a ganglion. Go to the doc, just to get it all checked out.
Reply 9
I had that a couple of years ago after I bumped it badly. Turns out it was bruised. It went down after 2 weeks or so.
I have got something sticking outside my wrist and it very hard. Like a bone. I fell of my BMX 5-4 months back and banded it on a wall. it is came up in a lump and we just thought that was normal but now I can see the thing sticking out.

Anyone know what this is?
Ive got that one both wrists, im sure its normal.
I whacked mine with a tv remote control. Job done, but I'd recommend having a glass of wine or half a pint first.
search up the pisiform bone that might be the bone that you're referring to