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Reply 1
metal EASY
Reply 4
what? explain
Indie is proper tunes, non of that shoutin crap
shouting crap!!!
metal is very good music, with very good instrumentalists (is that a word?) and gives out the best bands you are likely to hear. the music is extemely hard not to move along to.
indie is just plain slow and BORING.
you'll see soon:wink:
Reply 6
BORING!!!! give it a rest,
okay i give them credit there are some metal bands which i do actuall like and will listen to but come on, wouldnt you rather spend time in this weather listening the to summery happy music which Indie gives you?
metal. and join the goth society
Reply 8
Goth? all rate then
Leah Skermer
what? explain
Indie is proper tunes, non of that shoutin crap

You don't know what metal is do you? I forgot bands like Megadeth shouted during songs, so much for the Sex Pistols. :rolleyes:
Leah Skermer
What does everyone prefer? indie music or metal???

we tend to have this argument pretty much daily at sixth form, i think Indie wins hands down


I personally feel that metal is much better than indie in every case but one. Weezer is the best band on the planet methinks.
Leah Skermer
what? explain
Indie is proper tunes, non of that shoutin crap

I know of plenty of gothic and metal music that does not have much shouting in it, take nightwish for example, it is anything but shouting.
you did not just say weezer are the best band in the word?!?!?!?
*is so surprised and very dissapointed* :eek:
Reply 13
both. at the same time.
you did not just say weezer are the best band in the word?!?!?!?
*is so surprised and very dissapointed* :eek:

I am into a lot of much heavier bands which I like a lot, but it is just the fact that weezer are just so geeky, it is amazing.
Reply 15
you did not just say weezer are the best band in the word?!?!?!?
*is so surprised and very dissapointed* :eek:

*runs back to system of a down thread*
ian how have you spelt gangstas wrong lol....and member has no capital!!!! tutututututut
and its not in bold! pathetic!
and wheres soad mentioned as well!!!!!!!
Reply 17
ian how have you spelt gangstas wrong lol....and member has no capital!!!! tutututututut
and its not in bold! pathetic!
and wheres soad mentioned as well!!!!!!!

:mad: :mad:

At least you can hear what they're saying :biggrin:

At least you can hear what they're saying :biggrin:

Why is it that everyone thinks that you can't hear metal/gothic bands!