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Help needed - Alabama ice cream cone law :)

Hi guys, I'm writing an essay on obeying the law, and I need to track down the source of that Alabama law which states "It is illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket". I need an example of a ridiculous law that's still in force, and this one's perfect, they don't get any stupider :biggrin:

Anyone know if this law still holds, and where I can view something official? Or failing that, does anyone know any other stupid laws which are in force today? Thanks in advance :smile:

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I lived in Alabama for over 5 years. Never heard of it.
I lived in Alabama for over 5 years. Never heard of it.

Did you ever carry an ice-cream cone in your back pocket (in front of a well-read officer of the law)? If not then you wouldnt have.
Did you ever carry an ice-cream cone in your back pocket (in front of a well-read officer of the law)? If not then you wouldnt have.

I would have thought that atleast once in the five years I was there, I'd of overheard it, or have it told to me.

The fact that OP cannot find it on google also suggests that it does not exist.
Reply 4
really? I thought it was quite well known, or maybe it's just an urban myth? anyhoo, a similar example would do then

EDIT I can find it on google, just nothing official, and I need more offical confirmation than I can find on there
I was in Alabama for 10 days. :ahee:

Indeed, no one carried an ice cream cone in their back pocket. :indiff:
Reply 6
I remember seeing a website a while back with all the stupid state laws that haven't been repeeled in America yet, there are hundreds. Just google something like, "Stupid American Laws"
I would have thought that atleast once in the five years I was there, I'd of overheard it, or have it told to me.

The fact that OP cannot find it on google also suggests that it does not exist.

Are people you know generally up to speed on the funny, obscure, never used laws? I only heard that it was illegal (in Ireland I believe) to drive whilst talking into a microphone when Dara O'Briain said it in his stand-up routine.
Reply 8
they used to give tons of them in americas dumbest criminals :biggrin:
youtube then google

edit: hehe
Reply 9
I don't understand. Where else are you supposed to keep your ice cream cone? :dontknow:
Reply 10
thanks for the replies guys, but what I'm after most is some sort of official proof that it's still technically in force, otherwise I won't be able to use it, stupid uni referencing n all that. Any other laws like that that anyone could link me to would be mega :smile:
An actual official one which I know is still in force is that only, I think it's a Lord not any other title, can move a herd of sheep across a bridge in the city of westminster. Does that work for you?
thanks for the replies guys, but what I'm after most is some sort of official proof that it's still technically in force, otherwise I won't be able to use it, stupid uni referencing n all that. Any other laws like that that anyone could link me to would be mega :smile:

Good enough source?
Reply 13

Some of those obviously aren't still enforced.
Reply 14
I used to have a book about these laws ('The World's Stupidest Laws') and there are quite a few. I'm sure in one city it's still legal to shoot a scotsman with an arrow on a Sunday (I can't remember which city or if this was exactly the law though). Just use Google, you should be able to find a lot.
Reply 15
ta for the link, my stupid browser's playing up and I can't get it at the moment so I'll keep trying, and that sheep one, wtf? That's amazing :biggrin:

EDIT omg that link's amazing, the funniest one I've come across so far on the net is "it is illegal to wear a false moustache that will cause laughter in church" :biggrin:
Reply 16
If anyone's interested, I found the reason for the ice cream law, apparently it's georgia -

"It is also illegal in Athens/Clarke to carry an ice cream cone in one's pocket. This sounds absolutely idiotic, but there is a very good reason for it... in the early days of ice cream cones, vendors would place the ready-to-use cones in their questionably-sanitary pockets. One can suspect that the law does not apply to those who choose to tote a probably-rapidly-melting FILLED ice cream cone around in their pocket, but in addition to the mess that would result, any such person would probably be found only marginally competent to stand trial on the charge! (Gee, I'll have to try that this summer sometime!!)"

source -
Are people you know generally up to speed on the funny, obscure, never used laws? I only heard that it was illegal (in Ireland I believe) to drive whilst talking into a microphone when Dara O'Briain said it in his stand-up routine.

Not really that stupid when you consider that mobile phones contain microphones though...
Not really that stupid when you consider that mobile phones contain microphones though...

I didnt say it was stupid.
I didnt say it was stupid.

"funny, obscure" then.