The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I don't know about this specific program, but generally, any economics program which has the words "econometrics" or "mathematics" in it is likely to focus much more on statistics than on economics. Even pure economics programs on a Masters level tend to focus on the math/statistics.

According to LSE, both of the mandatory classes are quantitative.
Reply 2
Sure, this program must be highly quantitative, but comming from France, I don't really know what to expect. Our teachers usualy tells us that we have quite a good level in math/stats....

Also if some of you already did the program, I am quite interested in what they did after. I suppose that many students continue with a PhD, and at the moment, I really don't know if I would like to do that and work in research or be in the private sector (investment bank, consulting...)
Reply 3
Hi Yves

Just wanted to say hi, as I will be attending MSc EME myself in October. I am from Denmark and have a bachelor's degree from Copenhagen Business School. Most people with MSc EME I have talked to (just a few) have gone into banking - personally I wanna go into management consulting, but let's see. Have you got any replies from the accommodation office?
Reply 4

its nice to "meet" before this october!

for the presentation, I come from France, I am in an engeenering school specialized in statistics and I did a bachelor in economics at the same time in order to go to LSE.
No, I have got nothing from accomodations, but I think we must wait till mid Jully.
As for the work, I am interested in research or in strategic/economic consulting.
Reply 5

I am hesitating between the MSc in EME and the one in Economics and Finance, do you have an opinion about that... :confused:


its nice to "meet" before this october!

for the presentation, I come from France, I am in an engeenering school specialized in statistics and I did a bachelor in economics at the same time in order to go to LSE.
No, I have got nothing from accomodations, but I think we must wait till mid Jully.
As for the work, I am interested in research or in strategic/economic consulting.
Reply 6
Do I know you misterious Yves... I think I do
Reply 7
having troubles making your mind Roy?
Reply 8
I was pretty sure I knew you. I think we met via a friend of ours Fabrice Bibatch, isn'it?

I am glad that we will do maybe the same Msc
Reply 9
Oh yes, Bibatch!

How is he doing? Are you still in contact? I think you must, you seemed to be very good friends... Tell him I said hello!

So, no one else doing MSc EME next year?