The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
It probably means you'll be working on the shop floor for several hours.
Lady phoned and said I have a practical interview 10 - 2 !! What does this involve? Am I going to be interviewed for 4 hours :eek:

i can't speak for Next but when i had my interview with M&S i had a role play thing where the interviewer pretended to be a customer - i'd imagine that Next would do a similar thing :smile: - don't take my word for that tho - i can't see you being put on the floor in teh interview - maybe during training - maybe it means sometime between 10-2? - whatever happens good luck :smile:
Oh and by the way, how did you apply to M&S? I know it's an online thing but they never ever seem to have vacancies at stores near me!

yeah its online - you just have to get lucky i'm afraid, they might put up vacancies for christmas temps so keep checking, like i didn't get in at my local one but a massive superstore M&S a few miles away from me - at the big ones they hire loads of people :smile: - so keep checking - i was in teh same position as you, then i checked one day and there was one vacancy :smile: good luck with teh job hunt :smile:
Reply 4
Depends what job role you applied for Twinkle, i applied for NEXT Stockroom Assistant, called me in for a interview, it was only me and one other guy, so the manager came to us and just asked 2 questions each for us and it was the questions from the online NEXT application, which was easy... then we were assessed in the stockroom, not even 10 minutes, went back handed in identity information, then shake hands Bye!, that was it, interview didn't last 20 minutes.

Then like a day later got a call that i got offered a job and then got a induction which i have tomorrow so its all good :biggrin:
Reply 5
Next turned me down :-( but I passed the M&S assessment :biggrin:
Reply 6
Nice :O, M&S get better pay i believe
Reply 7
Lady phoned and said I have a practical interview 10 - 2 !! What does this involve? Am I going to be interviewed for 4 hours :eek:

they prob said 10 to 2 because its a group interview, well thats what happened with me.
They take ages to take everyones information and photocopy it. Then they give you forms to fill in.
What they did with me was ask me a few questions. (why do you want to work at next?, how would you describle the next range?, and just tell me more about yourself?)

We also did a group activity. But you never know they may not ask so many questions.

Good Luck:biggrin:
Reply 8
What are the xmas temp wages for someone who's 20? I have an interview on wed for sales assistant. no mention of anything practical or suggesting it was going to last a long time! strange!
Reply 9
Well i just done my induction not long ago, my wage is 5.80 a hour and i am 18, don't know how long your interview is but mine was short, as i have explained in my previous post if you look up a bit, my role is Stock Room Assistant, so ye i got assessed in the Stockroom (course) and i don't know about sales assistant, you may get assessed on the shop floor unsure.

Good Luck and all the Best :biggrin:
Reply 10
I had a practical interview at Next earlier this week, mine only lasted for 2 hours though.
I had some role play where the interviewer pretended to be a customer looking for an outfit, then I was put on the fitting rooms and shown how to do them and then I was put behind the till for a while. There were no typical interview questions, it was literally a practical interview.
Don't panic, it was fun :smile:

Good luck!
Reply 11
hi had my interview today a next. it lasted all of ten minutes and i didnt even get assessed on the shop floor cos the manager said they were too busy. said i will hear from them on monday or tuesday. dnt know what u cld be doing for two hours so im guesing it may be a grop interview or maybe one on one but u have to wait ur turn? just try to relax and prepare to outshine all others just in case.
Reply 12
Hmm, weird, my interview didn't last 20 minutes, so it could be a group interview, or it could be a group assessment, im not sure , i had my Induction today which was BOOORING!!!!, for 2-3 hours :/
Reply 13
what happens about uniform allowance for temps? i no you've got to wear next clothes but are temps just expected to buy it with their own money?!?!
Reply 14
Um, i dno about that, they wanted me to wear smart only Black mainly, but you can either dress yourself like that, OR you can get the next uniform 75% off. :biggrin:
what happens about uniform allowance for temps? i no you've got to wear next clothes but are temps just expected to buy it with their own money?!?!

Ive been working at next for about a month now as a temp. You get uniform allowance (75% off) after two weeks and before that you have to dress smart ie staying in the black, white, grey area of your wardrobe
Depends what job role you applied for Twinkle, i applied for NEXT Stockroom Assistant, called me in for a interview, it was only me and one other guy, so the manager came to us and just asked 2 questions each for us and it was the questions from the online NEXT application, which was easy... then we were assessed in the stockroom, not even 10 minutes, went back handed in identity information, then shake hands Bye!, that was it, interview didn't last 20 minutes.

Then like a day later got a call that i got offered a job and then got a induction which i have tomorrow so its all good :biggrin:

Yeah same thats basically how i got the job :biggrin:
Reply 17
Anyone a xmas temp... do you get paid weekly or monthly?
Reply 18
You get paid monthly :smile:
Reply 19
heyyyyy i got the job.thanks for the tips guys.great stuff!