The Student Room Group
Hey guys,

So I've settled into RHUL and now that I've gotten active in the societies, I really wanted to know if you guys knew of where I should go to ask for Piano lessons?


A music student? :p:

Seriously though, find one who plays piano, they'd likely be more than happy :h:
Reply 2
But do you know if the University offers formal classes, similar to the language classes the INternational Office offers?
Reply 3
Just had a brief look on the Music Department's website and I found nothing. Your best bet is probably emailing them to find out if they offer anything - if not, Strodes College will probably have pianos and teachers down in Egham.
Reply 4
OK cool! Thanks for the info.
Reply 5
Yeah no worries. Please post here if you find anything? I might be interested in picking up the piano again.
Reply 6
Yeah no worries. Please post here if you find anything? I might be interested in picking up the piano again.

I contacted the music department and they said that the music teachers they have are all for Music students. However, the lady gave me the email of a teacher in Egham. If you want it, I can PM it to you?
Reply 7
I contacted the music department and they said that the music teachers they have are all for Music students. However, the lady gave me the email of a teacher in Egham. If you want it, I can PM it to you?

yeah if you wouldn't mind that'd be great! have you spoken to her yet? (do you know how much she charges?)
Reply 8
yeah if you wouldn't mind that'd be great! have you spoken to her yet? (do you know how much she charges?)

I've emailed him but he hasn't replied. I'm guessing he's busy! Will send you the details once I get more information from him.
If that doesn't work out then you can put a message up on MOTD and see if anyone gets back to you.
Reply 10
be careful you don't get a pompous **** if you're looking for music lessons from students. a lot of them are big headed. unless you love classical extremists ^_^