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Reply 1
i agree it wasn't too bad... neone have the answers to it. I don't have mine, but i'm sure i'll be able to recognise some...
Reply 2
wat tha *** u lot on.,..that was sum HARD ****...and i average 90z all da time
i got bout 20/75
Reply 3
Wot did u people get for Question 6 heres my answers
b) -36i + 8j
4a) 1.8m
5a) 2/3
b) proof
6a) -----------
b) ---------
b) 10N
c) 0.393
d) 5.4
Reply 4
Err.. can't remember all the questions but some answers i can remember...

center of mass from AB was 3cm and k was 1/7?

Q6 PE = 117.6J , the frictional force i got about 10N
Q7 Thrust in the rod was 1018N

Overall, I do remember getting lots of decimal places to answers when the question didnt say "to 3 s.f"
Reply 5
I thought it was a great exam.
Reply 6
Thought it was... relatively ok...!!! :-)

Here are my answers!!!

b) -36i + 8j = 36.9 ms-2
4a) 1.8m
5a) 2/3
b) easy proof
6a) 1018N
b) 778N
c) was that the one where you had to show no vertical reaction component? If yes... easy
b) 10.1N
c) 0.395
d) 5.37 ms-1

Good luck to anyone doing P4 & P6 ! Looking forward to it!! :-)
wasnt the thrust thrust the same as the tension like in a string??

i did 1.5*30g=T. cos Φ
Reply 8
for Q6 i got
a) 1018N
b) aprox 777N
Yeh my thrust in the rod was something like 1018N

For k i got 0.14, ie 1/7
In general what sort of raw mark do you need in m2 for an A?
not wat i got can u say that was easy???
I would say it was harder than usual
Yep i've just added it to a long list of soon-to-be retakes :frown: . Ah well, assess the damage in August...
i dnt knw y i found it soo bad...i jst lost ma concentrtion...bludy chemistry yestrday...i focused on that too much :frown:
Yep i've just added it to a long list of soon-to-be retakes :frown: . Ah well, assess the damage in August...

at least u have the luxury...A2 no going back...g2 make plans for ma year out :mad: :frown:
Reply 16
Definatley one of the hardest M2 exams I've ever tried. Topped by the June '03 paper, that was a total bitch, this was just a bitch who stole your razor sometimes and shaved her 'pits with it.
Reply 17
I have a memory like a seive, so I'm afraid I can't remember most of my answers now :p: But does anyone know if M2 could be substituted for M3 in the further maths grade? Not too bad, had to sit down and think a bit for the last couple of questions.
I have a memory had to sit down and think a bit for the last couple of questions.

You normally do exams standing up? :wink:
i wud normall find that hilarious but ma sence of humour has been drained out and substituted by rage...luk im still talkin chem speAK...i h8 u gonna find the CEO and shred him up....seriouSSSS!!