The Student Room Group

Pain in waist when I cough/sneeze

Just for the heck of it, I thought I'd let you all know about something that's happening to me. I've got a cough at the mo and though it's getting a bit better, when I get a relapse (cough then another one; I couldn't think of a better word) or when I sneeze from hayfever and that I get a sharp pain in my lower right waist. It feels rather like someone has put sticky tape on and is ripping it off slowly, that type of pain but a bit more quick and nasty. Mum thinks I may have pulled a muscle but I ain't sure-any ideas?
Just for the heck of it, I thought I'd let you all know about something that's happening to me. I've got a cough at the mo and though it's getting a bit better, when I get a relapse (cough then another one; I couldn't think of a better word) or when I sneeze from hayfever and that I get a sharp pain in my lower right waist. It feels rather like someone has put sticky tape on and is ripping it off slowly, that type of pain but a bit more quick and nasty. Mum thinks I may have pulled a muscle but I ain't sure-any ideas?

yeah i think ur mums right, i think you've pulled a muscle too from all the sneezing and coughing.....take some nurofen or something if the pain is extreme, but also find some anti-histamines for your hayfever or get cortisone injections from the doctor and they usually last up to 3-6 months good luck :smile: xoxo
Reply 2
The irony of that is I have been on my blessed blessed cetirizine tablets for a week now and this still happens! It's because of the cough to be honest, because I accidentally breathed in some spray/hairspray the other day-I went in the bathroom and didn't realise, it will be gone (the cough) within the week mind, so I can only assume the muscle will be better soon too if that's the case. And to think I was going to join the gym not 2 weeks ago! :smile:
Reply 3
hope you get better!
The irony of that is I have been on my blessed blessed cetirizine tablets for a week now and this still happens! It's because of the cough to be honest, because I accidentally breathed in some spray/hairspray the other day-I went in the bathroom and didn't realise, it will be gone (the cough) within the week mind, so I can only assume the muscle will be better soon too if that's the case. And to think I was going to join the gym not 2 weeks ago! :smile:

lol u should try pyrition they are quite good for hayfever too :smile: but hope ya feel better soon, take it easy and dont be breathin in nemore hairspray :wink: :p: xoxo
Reply 5
It could be a hernia in your inguinal region, visit your GP if it persists. A friend of mine had the same symptoms and ignored it for a month or two, after uni exams he got it checked out and he had a bi-lateral hernia (two small ones). They aren't that big a deal just undergo surgery and walk out the same day usually.
This is just a what if, could be you pulled a muscle, but don't rule out a hernia totally either :wink:
Reply 6
Awwww *hug* I hope it gets better soon!
Reply 7
...Sorry I couldn't be much more medical advice! :smile:
Reply 8
could be appendicitus. my brother had it when he was little. i remember he had lots of pain on the right side at the bottom of his stomach, which was made worse through sharp movement. hope ur ok, get it checked out by a physician!
x phoebe x
Reply 9
I have sympathy with you! It's most likely to be a pulled muscle, I get it a lot when I'm coughing. It could even be a trapped nerve. It'll go away with time, x x x
Reply 10
Aw; thankyou all for your niceness! Hug to you all, my cough is getting better and I do hope it isn't going to persist (the pain) because I did have a hernia when I was 4 or something; and given I was in hospital (which is now a swearword to me lol) at new year with a migraine, i wouldn't like to go back! :biggrin: