The Student Room Group

Needing Encouragement!!!-feeling bad

Hi there. Last week i reached my 8st7lbs target at slimming world and was a pound under. I was so pleased with myself but since then all i've done is get seriously drunk and eaten rolos and pizza. I have slimming club on tuesday and i'm freaking out that i'll have put on weight!!
I was thinking i'll have dinner with my boyfriend and his family tonight and then get straight back on the diet tomorrow morning. I'm worried though , i seem to have grown complancent in teh space of a few days and i'm worried i won't have the will power. We sell rolos at work and i'm powerless against them . Plus i'm really skint so i can't buy the food i normally eat and enjoy that works with the slimming world diet. On top of this i've got my mum saying that if i lose any more weight this week she'll be mad at me.
I'm feeling a bit torn. I know that if i've had a gain on tuesday i'll be devestated. Help.

lizzy x :frown:
don't worry! firstly, you have to think about why this week has been bad. have you had a particularly tough week, work/school/college/family/boyf/mates etc etc. maybe you have been lacking determination this week, or maybe you just wanted to have fun- thats not a crime! go round yr boyf's and have a good time, not worrying about what you eat. then tomorrow simply do some exercise. However, don't over do it, the slimming club won't throw you out just because you've eaten some pizza! hope you are ok xxx
Reply 2
well i think u wont have gained any weight in the space of a few days.
It takes more time to notice a weight difference.
u could go swimming 2moro if u can or do sum other leisure activities if u are very worried.

or dehydrate urself :p:
Reply 3
Aww thanks that was so sweet. I have had a really tough week to be fair-hard exams , splitting up with boyfriend (granted it was my fault) and yeah , basicallty just wanted to go and get completely off my head drunk.

Just sucks.... hate the feeling that i'm fat... and for some bizarre reason i convince myself i am. I'm 5'3 and 8st6lbs but i just can't see myself as thin,. when my boyfriend cuddles me he laughs and go's "oh your so tiny"-but i don't beleive him.
Reply 4
Would that help? Sqeezing in some extra walking and swimming? I only eat apples and muller lights on slimming club days....i feel crap
well every little helps :smile: *must listen to self*
Reply 6
8st7lbs is tiny love. Eat more pizza you need to put some weight on lol.
Reply 7
Aww thanks that was so sweet. I have had a really tough week to be fair-hard exams , splitting up with boyfriend (granted it was my fault) and yeah , basicallty just wanted to go and get completely off my head drunk.

Just sucks.... hate the feeling that i'm fat... and for some bizarre reason i convince myself i am. I'm 5'3 and 8st6lbs but i just can't see myself as thin,. when my boyfriend cuddles me he laughs and go's "oh your so tiny"-but i don't beleive him.

ok i'm confused...did you split with your bf? why would you be having dinner with his family if u split with him?
Reply 8
8st7lbs is tiny love. Eat more pizza you need to put some weight on lol.

Not tiny-feeling fat... i know-its stupid!

I'm back together with my bloke now but we went through a really tough patch this week because i can't keep my self to myself.

Any motivational tips to keep me off the junk food for a while guys?

ps-you are all so lovely and helpful xxx
Reply 9
Hi there. Last week i reached my 8st7lbs target at slimming world and was a pound under. I was so pleased with myself but since then all i've done is get seriously drunk and eaten rolos and pizza. I have slimming club on tuesday and i'm freaking out that i'll have put on weight!!
I was thinking i'll have dinner with my boyfriend and his family tonight and then get straight back on the diet tomorrow morning. I'm worried though , i seem to have grown complancent in teh space of a few days and i'm worried i won't have the will power. We sell rolos at work and i'm powerless against them . Plus i'm really skint so i can't buy the food i normally eat and enjoy that works with the slimming world diet. On top of this i've got my mum saying that if i lose any more weight this week she'll be mad at me.
I'm feeling a bit torn. I know that if i've had a gain on tuesday i'll be devestated. Help.

lizzy x :frown:

Love, I'm sure you look lovely anyway. - You've got a boyfriend, so for him, you're obviously the most georgous, sweetest, and lovelyst girl in the world. Who cares what anyone else thinks? For him, I doubt it makes any difference what weight you are as long as you are healthy and happy. Once you have set eyes on someone, you don't just "fall out of love" with them just because they're a bit bigger. By and large, your perception stays the same as when you first met. - Thats how loads of couples remain married for decades and don't feel the erge to "trade each other in for newer models". In my humble opinion, in the end, stuff like weight dosen't really matter. Eventually your personality shines brightly through. best wishes
Reply 10
how tall are you? *jealous of your weightloss* :p:

ok. firstly you'll put weight on if you continue to eat like a moose. however a few indulgences really really don't make a difference. just make up for it the next day, but don't make a habit of it. your weight fluctuates naturally so maybe get to around 8st 4 and whenever you notice you've gone up to say 8st 9, then take it easy on the food for a few days. if you do some exercise you can eat a lot more.
i always find if ur hungry, drink a glass of water. If you're still hungry, then eat sumthing. It will decrease the amount of food u eat and u wont feel as hungry. Its a small thing to do, but it works for me. :biggrin:
i always find if ur hungry, drink a glass of water. If you're still hungry, then eat sumthing. It will decrease the amount of food u eat and u wont feel as hungry. Its a small thing to do, but it works for me. :biggrin:

thay is true... when your hungry, i read somewheere it means yr actually dehydratin