The Student Room Group

Being thin/weightloss/eating disorders

I'm just wondering about all those skinny celebs (Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan, you know who I mean). Now, I know they're lost a lot of weight, so they're not naturally that thin, but I was wondering if you can lose that much weight in a healthy way, or will your body not let you get below a certain weight? Do you have to starve yourself to become underweight like that? Does the definition of underweight vary between bodies?
"underweight" is exactly that, under, it is not good nor healthy.

Aparently there is a new "diet", go into hospital and get hooked up to a drip for 2 weeks so you don't have to eat. That'll make you thin.
"underweight" is exactly that, under, it is not good nor healthy.

Aparently there is a new "diet", go into hospital and get hooked up to a drip for 2 weeks so you don't have to eat. That'll make you thin.

that is sick :frown: i cannot believe people would do that. If you think about it, that is increadibly selfish when there coud be someone dying out there that needs that bed.
Reply 3
that is sick :frown: i cannot believe people would do that. If you think about it, that is increadibly selfish when there coud be someone dying out there that needs that bed.

I rather suspect the poster wasn't being entirely serious.
(In the light of a certain posters other posts).
Reply 4
i think it is an unhealthy so the only way to get there would be by using unhealthy methods (starvation, over-exercise, cocaine etc etc.).

i wish there was a healthy way though, because for once in my life i would like to look as thin as nicole richie :frown: . unfortunately though, the only ways to do it would be either by severe starvation or serious illness, and i wouldn't want either of those!
That celeb diet where you go to hospital and get strapped to a drip for 2 weeks and don't eat anything is true. It was on GMTV, and apparantly 'a certain young hollywood starlet who has just lost a lot of weight' did it.
Reply 6
If you think about it, that is increadibly selfish when there coud be someone dying out there that needs that bed.

I doubt a hospital would let someone stay there and do that unless there was something actually wrong with them. Maybe they pay them lots or something :confused:
If i was a doctor i'd shove the drip up their ass if I found out they were doing it to try and lose weight.
Reply 8
stop fretting. You weigh less on the moon anyway.
Reply 9
Lauren what you were saying about your body not letting you go under a certain weight is partially true. As you lose more and more weight it becomes more diffcult. Nut when you think about it , you body will continue to lose , if you won't eat then it doesn't have much in the way of choice does it?