So, where shall I start?..
Well, I'm a guy, studying in Oxford Uni, been here for 3 years now. Lost my virginity at 19, then broke up with my gf 6 months later and not had sex with anyone ever since.
Now - please tell me if my perception of the Oxford (Cambridge is similar, I assume) sex life is roughly close to reality.
In order to get laid on a regular basis, you must belong to one of the following categories:
1) Rugby lot. I don't belong here, unfortunately I took up rowing instead at the start, and finally switched to pentathlon.
2) Going out clubbing lots and pulling people in clubs
I am fairly outgoing and open-minded, and love meeting new people! I love travelling and do lots of extra-curricular stuff - so I'm certainly not lost for words when talking to a girl.
I'm in my final year now, and several things piss me off:
1) Everybody hangs out in groups, now impossible to get into. I belong to a few of course, but largely it's all now coupled up - whenever there's a bop/ball (hello Oxford Union)/night out, everybody ends up isolated in different corners and I, well, I end up alone

I largely stopped going to all those places for that reason, but also because I can't drink alcohol due to kidney problems (and when I could I didn't like it anyway - I don't want to get wasted in a club and then **** some drunken body - literally!) and I don't really enjoy loud music, especially whenever everyone wanders around the club with their "other halves" thus dissipating the crowd (see above)
2) This may sound selfish: I haven't pulled anyone from university.
It's not about pulling or having a one-night stand (although it would at least "end the 2-year celibacy", as one of my mates kindly put it) - I want a normal relationship - short-term, long-term - I don't particularly care now.
I know I'm a good guy, I've got enough hobbies and participate in quite a few societies (which have been exhausted in terms of search for a potential girlfriend). I know I'm interesting and have enough to offer - and I don't think it's fair that I should stay single and **** in the bathroom all the way through my youth just because I can't hang out in a company of rugby lads or go clubbing every night.
Maybe I just hang out with the wrong people, and am naturally inclined to meet unsingle/weird/really bitchy/****** up women (experience of the past 2 years), but that's an entirely different topic.
Rant over. Suggestions welcome.