I was at uni last year for Art Foundation (not a degree - currently going through 2010 application) and only made one friend.
But he was only my friend because he wanted to sleep with me. Since leaving he's severed all contact with me.
I disliked all of my year group - just obsessed with clubbing. I find it pointless. I'd much rather stay in and play video games. No one could relate to me, and I could not relate to them, so by the end of the first month into my course, I gave up on making friends.
It was ok - I joined the Gaming Society and fitted in well there instead - I looked forward to Thursday evenings and pretty much forgot all the rest of the drunk idiots on my course, only attending lectures and never hanging out with anyone after class or anything.
I am optimistic that next year will be better, because I will be surrounded by more like-minded computer nerds and less airheaded fashion photographers! (No offense intended to anyone - just an extreme generalisation of my experience from last year to put across a point!)