The Student Room Group


Here's the problem guys. I'm going to Ibiza in 6 weeks time. My bf is hovering at 15% although last year it was down to 10%. I'm gonna go on a cutting diet but wanna keep my weight at around 14 stone and lose as little lean mass as possible. I've worked out a supplement, diet and excercise plan which is gonna blitz it big style.

Trouble is, i'm gonna push my body into the realms of overtraining (or overreach for those who've read this months Menshealth) but do it in a way which won't cause long term problems. i used this trick before mr. staffordshire and it worked a treat, BUT it requires a stupid amount of dedication. Every day spent in the gym, no cheat days and gruelling 45 runs at 6 am. I found this hard back in the day but i'm trying to find ways to motivate myself these coming weeks.

I've just had exams and am intellectually spent, had loads of gf problems this term, haven't trained for six days and am hungover and tired from mayweek etc. It seems like i'm throwing myself in at the deep end. How do you guys stay focused. Any poetry, inspirational pictures etc.

Big Jay
Reply 1
I try to think of the good it will bring if i keep at it.
Reply 2
Here's the problem guys. I'm going to Ibiza in 6 weeks time. My bf is hovering at 15% although last year it was down to 10%. I'm gonna go on a cutting diet but wanna keep my weight at around 14 stone and lose as little lean mass as possible. I've worked out a supplement, diet and excercise plan which is gonna blitz it big style.

Trouble is, i'm gonna push my body into the realms of overtraining (or overreach for those who've read this months Menshealth) but do it in a way which won't cause long term problems. i used this trick before mr. staffordshire and it worked a treat, BUT it requires a stupid amount of dedication. Every day spent in the gym, no cheat days and gruelling 45 runs at 6 am. I found this hard back in the day but i'm trying to find ways to motivate myself these coming weeks.

I've just had exams and am intellectually spent, had loads of gf problems this term, haven't trained for six days and am hungover and tired from mayweek etc. It seems like i'm throwing myself in at the deep end. How do you guys stay focused. Any poetry, inspirational pictures etc.

Big Jay

lol, when I read the first two sentences I was so confused! hahaha, bf? boyfriend? HUH? lol! Ok, now i have no idea about all this body fat thing, I wouldn't get all worried about it either. Just do some healthy excercising. Going to the gym and using those unnatural machines isn't always that healthy you know. You'll build up muscle, but the things is that these excercises are sometimes not that natural, so you'll have what I call 'strange muscle build up', as opposed to if you just did sit ups and press ups. some guys I know who use these machines too much they are really inflexible and also are prone to pulling muscles when they go running or swimming or just generally doing anything much really. that wouldn't happen if they did press ups. Try and aim for like 500 press ups at first and then just try and get up to 1500 a day or more. They'll do your body loads more good, also running is very good and sit ups. That is the healthiest way i can think of. It's what I do (only not 500, obviously, I don't want a six pack, I just wanna keep fit). do some stretching too. I'm sure you've got the diet worked out right, although I think any healthy diet does.
good luck with what ever way you decide to get your body fat down, I'm sure you can motivate yourself once you start training hard again and notice the difference. That's the most motivating thing, when you notice a difference and can see how good the training is working.
Reply 3
so your going to spend 6 weeks to get in shape fro a holidat thats just going to cause you to go back to the state you are in now :confused:
Reply 4
adarah im sure he will appreciate the **** but, he knows how to work out for his aims I think. I guess he was asking about motivation

dude no1 can motivate you, u just have to think if u want it or not. What will lead to the highest total enjoyment of the next 6 weeks + holiday; getting cut and being cut on holiday, or not getting cut and not being cut on holiday..

I know thats obvious, but like, just do it dude! You must have cut successfully in the past I guess, so u know u can do it

EDIT - just read your own signature dude
Reply 5

Wanna be the guy on the right or the guy on the left? :tongue: joke obviously but when im cutting you've just gotta think that every minute you spend doing cardio your burning that extra fat to look more like the guy on the left...
Reply 6
first things first ignore everything you read in mens health magazine most of it is bull and the rest is common sense if you want some proper advice go to and read some articles or posts.. oh and training everyday will just push your muscles too much and they wont grow as effectively as if you did say a 3 day split.
finally watch out with supplements half of them are fads and things like creatine if not taken properly can affect your liver..
Reply 7
yeah. i'm not being a girly man, just a man who's just got home and realised he's lived two months of siht and is gonna have to get serious if he wants results again. I'm gonna go for a run at 9 tomorrow after gettting a good 8 hours sleep, then do a 45 minute back, lats and bicep split in the pm. I think after the initial pain's set in it ain't gonna be too difficult to get into the routine.

I'd never seen those Arnold pics before. Just the though of first day on the beach is gonna get me through tho lads. **** all that new age *******s.
Reply 8
first things first ignore everything you read in mens health magazine most of it is bull and the rest is common sense if you want some proper advice go to and read some articles or posts.. oh and training everyday will just push your muscles too much and they wont grow as effectively as if you did say a 3 day split.
finally watch out with supplements half of them are fads and things like creatine if not taken properly can affect your liver..

this works. i've done it before. its almost overtraining but not. have a read, i'm sure you'll see some sense in it.

gonna go natural i think. bit of creatine and whey, couple of multi-vits and i might get a few caffeine tabs for the last 2 weeks. can't be arsed with ECA stack.

muscletalk is good, but i know what i need to do, it was more a motivational thing i had in mind.