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I'm going away... how do I cope with missing someone?

I'm going to New Zealand on Wednesday (:smile:) to see a friend I haven't seen for a year and a half :biggrin: and I'm really looking forward to it.

Problem is, I'm away for a month and whilst i'm away, my boyfriend is going away to America which means we're gonna be spending a lot of time apart (about 6 - 8 weeks). I love him to bits and am going to miss him so much as i'm used to spending a lot of time with him every day.

Has anyone ever been in a situation like this before? Is there anything you can do to cope with missing someone, without getting upset?

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My boyfriend went away for 2 months, i went out and saw him for 2 weeks, then he stayed out another 3 weeks. It was hard at first, but he emailed and texted me when he could. After a week or so i was fine, i just went out with my friends more for that extra comfort, and time flew by.

Hope you have a great time in New Zealand!
Yeah I think the best you can do it communicate as much as you can but otherwise just keep yourself busy doing other stuff.
Reply 3
I'm going to Fiji and Australia next year for 6 months, and for ten weeks I won't even be able to contact my boyfriend. :frown:

There's no way to cope with it. Just try and keep in touch as much as you can - msn, webcams, texts if possible. Nice long emails are always good too. :smile:
Oh this is always very hard to leave someone and then miss him or her. I live in Russia now and I have a BF, who is Italian, but lives in England, so we are living in diffirent countried and we are like that for the last 2 years. And our love is so strong I guess, that we are coping with it, though it is very very hard. We talk over the phone every day but last time I saw him was 2 months ago...and dont know when will be next one. But I can do nth coz I do not know anyone who could be better than him in evrth!! I know he is in love with me the same and doesnt cheat on me how other people tell me....So, we just have to wait a bit to be together forever.
Another problem is that in a month I'd need to move to Sweden and so leave my mom and friends for a year, and it will be pretty hard for me to do...
so, all I want to tell to you, is try to communicate with ur BF as much as u can send sms, emails, do surp, via mail or ecard. and do not think that he will cheat on you, all you must do it trust your BF.
Reply 5
Thanks guys.... good advice :smile:

Its good to know there's people out there that are feeling/have felt the same as me.
Reply 6
i missed my bitch when i went away for a week but the night i got back was so good :wink:
Reply 7
i missed my bitch when i went away for a week but the night i got back was so good :wink:

lmao :biggrin: but thats just a week!! hehe is that your way of saying "think about how good it'll be when you see them again!!"

.....just in a very strange way?! No?! ok then...
I'm going to New Zealand on Wednesday (:smile:) to see a friend I haven't seen for a year and a half :biggrin: and I'm really looking forward to it.

Problem is, I'm away for a month and whilst i'm away, my boyfriend is going away to America which means we're gonna be spending a lot of time apart (about 6 - 8 weeks). I love him to bits and am going to miss him so much as i'm used to spending a lot of time with him every day.

Has anyone ever been in a situation like this before? Is there anything you can do to cope with missing someone, without getting upset?

Um. Yeah. There's no hard and fast way of coping, you just have to do it.
I'm going to New Zealand on Wednesday (:smile:) to see a friend I haven't seen for a year and a half :biggrin: and I'm really looking forward to it.

Problem is, I'm away for a month and whilst i'm away, my boyfriend is going away to America which means we're gonna be spending a lot of time apart (about 6 - 8 weeks). I love him to bits and am going to miss him so much as i'm used to spending a lot of time with him every day.

Has anyone ever been in a situation like this before? Is there anything you can do to cope with missing someone, without getting upset?

It will seem hard at first but believe me you will get used to it..and then it will be even better being together when you get back.

The special person in my life is going to Russia for 9 months..Not sure how I will cope :confused:
Reply 10
Me and my boyfriend came home from uni today. We won't see each other properly for three months. He goes away on Friday for 6 or 7 weeks. You'll manage. Just throw yourself into whatever you're doing and contact regularly. You could even write a little diary thing for him to read when he gets back.
Reply 11
I'm going to New Zealand on Wednesday (:smile:) to see a friend I haven't seen for a year and a half :biggrin: and I'm really looking forward to it.

Problem is, I'm away for a month and whilst i'm away, my boyfriend is going away to America which means we're gonna be spending a lot of time apart (about 6 - 8 weeks). I love him to bits and am going to miss him so much as i'm used to spending a lot of time with him every day.

Has anyone ever been in a situation like this before? Is there anything you can do to cope with missing someone, without getting upset?

I feel really sorry for you, but If you love your boyfriend you WILL get upset. Make sure you spend as much time as you can with him doing fun and memorable things while you'r together. Tell him how much you'll miss him, and ask him what he'd like to do for the limited time you've got avaliable too. I'm sure he's feeling the same and would love to hear you say that.

But do communitace with him as much as the both of you think you need to - phone calls, emails, etc. I'm sure the great times you'll have together after your holiday will overcompensate for you'r times appart. - "Absence makes the heart grow fonder". Best wishes.
I feel really sorry for you, but If you love your boyfriend you WILL get upset. Make sure you spend as much time as you can with him doing fun and memorable things while you'r together. Tell him how much you'll miss him, and ask him what he'd like to do for the limited time you've got avaliable too. I'm sure he's feeling the same and would love to hear you say that.

But do communitace with him as much as the both of you think you need to - phone calls, emails, etc. I'm sure the great times you'll have together after your holiday will overcompensate for you'r times appart. - "Absence makes the heart grow fonder". Best wishes.

Thank you. Yeah we've got a full day planned for tuesday, the day before I go away. I know i'm gonna miss him but i will try to take my mind off it with other things. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder".... you're totally right :smile: thank you xxxx
Reply 13
that's so hard, but if you do it i reckon you'll be an even stronger couple. i would suggest filling your days with loads of new exciting things to do, don't ruin the experience of nz. if you don't make the most of your holiday 'cos u were pining for him u'll regret it. if you feel yourself getting down talk to your friend or ring your bf, and look forward to seeing him again. good luck!
pheebs xx
I should just get some pooontang love. Nothing cures it like a good shag, im sure theyll be doing the same

No, you're wrong. Very wrong.

And that sort of comment is probably why no girl will ever look twice at you for a relationship.
Reply 15
youll get over it enjoy urself and get him to agree in some ways of contacting you... have fun in nz (really nice place, my uncle lives there)
Reply 16
My boyfriend went to the Phillipines for a month to visit his family. I just kept thinking that each day that went by, was a day closer to him coming home! I found that counting the days down on my calendar helped! x x x
I'm going to New Zealand on Wednesday (:smile:) to see a friend I haven't seen for a year and a half :biggrin: and I'm really looking forward to it.

Problem is, I'm away for a month and whilst i'm away, my boyfriend is going away to America which means we're gonna be spending a lot of time apart (about 6 - 8 weeks). I love him to bits and am going to miss him so much as i'm used to spending a lot of time with him every day.

Has anyone ever been in a situation like this before? Is there anything you can do to cope with missing someone, without getting upset?

It's probably impossible to not get upset; my bf went to Japan for five weeks and I missed him terribly. We coped by talking online whenever we could (difficult with a nine hour time difference!) including using webcams, and he phoned me on my birthday. Meeting him at Heathrow was sooooo great! :biggrin:
Thanks helenia.... he's such a loser lol
Reply 19
it always feels like its going to be impossible to be away from the one you love.

but ive found certain ways to deal with it.

-when im away from them i make sure i have one of my boyfriends t shirts, which i hug at night (helps if it smells of him too) now i cant go to sleep without it! But it does help a bit!

-i make a sorta journal addressed to him (i dont nesseasrily show him! at the end) but it helps in the way (if you cant communicate with them, it makes you feel that you are communicating with them, in a weird twisted way.

and obviously if you can contact as much as possible and look forward and plan what ur going to do together when ur back together again!

hope that helps. it definatly helped me when i was away from my bf for a month last year. :smile: