The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Spark chamber is something to do with results fed directly into computer so no messing about with photographs, and the speed of particles can be calculated.

Actualy i guess that might be the drift chamber? I'm not really sure about the difference between the two of them.
Reply 2
The original spark chamber required a photograph to be taken..
I think the drift chamber is the one you're thinking about, but I don't really know what that is. I'm terrible with these chambers! Im guessing that's the improved spark chamber which somehow uses timing to more accurately detect the path of the particle.
Reply 3
Superheated gas in bubble chamber is denser than superstaturated vapour in cloud chamber -> more collisions. I think it's easier to detect.
In bubble chamber, the particle of interest might be lost as you have to release pressure just few milisecond before particles go into the chamber.
The drift chamber measure the time taken for the particle reach each wire, so it's more accurate.
Reply 4
Yeah the WIKI says the drift chamber is the current version of the old spark chamber where everything is monitored by computer.

I think the bubble chanmber is just super heated hydrogen that condenses on the ionised paths, and the cloud chamber is a cloud of super saturated alocohol which condenses on the ionised path. (I think the bubble chamber involves dry ice or something on the bed of the chamber?).
Reply 5
bubble is more sensitive than cloud because liquid densities are higher than gas densities, but thats all i know! - i don't think im doing your course though.
Reply 6
The original spark chamber required a photograph to be taken..
I think the drift chamber is the one you're thinking about, but I don't really know what that is. I'm terrible with these chambers! Im guessing that's the improved spark chamber which somehow uses timing to more accurately detect the path of the particle.

yeah originally the spark chambers did require photography, but now they can measure the time at which any wire is interacted with and then feed it all into a computer. Look at the Jan 05 paper and mark scheme from the Edexcel site.
Reply 7
dry ice ihas to do with the CLOUD chamber. I remember that cos i think of the way CO2 looks when sprayed from a fire extinguisher.