The Student Room Group
Go to Boots.
You can get loads of stuff there, ranging from wash-out colour, to full on permanent colour!
Ideally you should try and get someone to do it for you, but all the kits come with plastic glove things so you don't hurt your skin hehe.

You also need a tint brush, I think, to apply the stuff properly and evenly.
Reply 2
If you have dark hair you will need to bleach it to get the colour to show. Unless you get say, a red dye, and you will only be able to see it when the light shines on it. Will be more like a tint. Make sure first that there is a brand which does a dye the same colour as your hair. My friend who has 'very very dark brown almost black' hair dyed hers red, then had to wait years for it to grow out cos she couldnt find a dye that wasnt black and was dark enough. If you are serious, go to the hairdressers, they will always do the best job.
Reply 3
go blonde, i have same color hair as u and i have blonde streaks, looks well cool !
also attracts the men :wink:
Reply 4
You won't need to bleach your hair. I bought a Loreal hair dye that is specifically designed to lighten dark hair. I think it was about a fiver, do it yourself jobby and it did me fine. My hair did go lighter and i really like the shade. There's a choice of colours, the dye can lighten your hair with a blonde tint, or red tint for example. It was a brown box in the Feria range.

I was so pleased when i found this, until this i haven't been able to find anything will dye my dark hair lighter. xx
Reply 5
You don't necessarily need to bleach your hair. I have naturally pitch-black hair and I've never needed to bleach mine. Just make sure you don't leave the dye one for too long (longer than that stated in the instructions) otherwise you'll end up with a weird colour and possibly more hair dye in your frantic attempt to get it back to its original colour :biggrin:
Reply 6
Be really really careful... I had a friend dye her hair lighter and it went orange :rolleyes:
Best bet... go to the haridressers.

skevvybritt x
Reply 7
don't do it when drunk.

One day last term I woke up with bright green hair and green hands :frown:
Reply 8
Do a patch test on your skin first - I'm allergic to some dyes and the pain is excruciating on your scalp if you are.
Also - i recommend cutting off some of your hair and dying it first. I've dyed my hair about 27 different colours and used loads of different dyes and its definately worth it to try the dye first. i was gonna bleach mine but I did a sample test and I'm glad i did coz it went a kind of sicky swamp green coz I have too much dye on my hair. Even tho thats not the case for you still try it first!
get to the hairdressers then theres no chance of it doing orangey-yellow which happens alot when trying to lighten dark hair. but i can see your reasoning blondes do have more fun!!