The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I went to the sunbeds today and then sunbathed afterwards and ended up burning my arms and stomach. So I was wondering, would it be ok to shower in hot water or should i make it cold? Obviously i would rather have the hot water but maybe this isnt a good idea.

inbetween heat, and you'll have to tip your head back as far as you can, arching your body out of the water, and if your shoulders are burnt cover them with your hands if they're under the water. -unfortunataly i have experience of this.

and i'm sure you know sunbeds = skin damage = major ageing + skin cancer
Reply 2
See - wouldn't fake tan be so much easier? xx
I went to the sunbeds today and then sunbathed afterwards and ended up burning my arms and stomach. So I was wondering, would it be ok to shower in hot water or should i make it cold? Obviously i would rather have the hot water but maybe this isnt a good idea.

use a good aftersun and shower in the morning - if you dont use cold to lukewarm water dont use hot water as it will make the burning sensation more painful xoxo
Reply 4
you're not supposed to go in the sun 24 hours after goingon a sun bed! be careful!

i recommend a nice cool shower and lashings of moisturiser/after sun... and some sun cream for next time!
you're not supposed to go in the sun 24 hours after goingon a sun bed! be careful!

lol i receive psorlan (i suppose you could call it a catalyst makes the skin more photosensitive) and even though I'm in a little black box receiving light treatment - I'm told to go outside and get more lol! but that irrevelant :p: just watch and make sure you take a break from sunbathing for 2-3 days :smile: xoxo
Reply 6
lol i receive psorlan (i suppose you could call it a catalyst makes the skin more photosensitive) and even though I'm in a little black box receiving light treatment - I'm told to go outside and get more lol! but that irrevelant :p: just watch and make sure you take a break from sunbathing for 2-3 days :smile: xoxo

huh? Just with the intention of getting a tan?! FAKE TAN!
Reply 7
Thanks everyone :smile: And I know it was silly to go to the sunbeds and then go out into the sun but i actually didn't think i would burn so badly since i don't normally burn at all. :redface:
Reply 8
aww sweetie - i know how you feel. have a cool shower (doesn't need to be freezing) and it'll feel soooo good. i also find placing cool flannels on the sunburn helps. and, of course, loads of after sun - also helps the skin not to peel. hope you feel better soon.
phoebe xx
Reply 9
I always find coolish showers do the world of good, but once you start to peel (if you do) then after sun really hurts :frown: