The Student Room Group
Reply 2
how would i get a job for them after graduation
or any other similar organisation

my dad works at the world bank. he always tells me the people who apply have lots and lots of work experience, and they prefer higher education since it's so competitive...minimum of a Masters degree.
my dad works at the world bank. he always tells me the people who apply have lots and lots of work experience, and they prefer higher education since it's so competitive...minimum of a Masters degree.

wow what does he do and where does he work? What does he say about the world bank f****** up developing countries?

there's always vacancies in the Economist and there usually ask for a Master/PHD with 10+ plus experience and foreign language. I can imagine it being competitive to get in, however equally qualified people could get much better paid jobs (if you want).
Reply 4
john williams
wow what does he do and where does he work? What does he say about the world bank f****** up developing countries?

there's always vacancies in the Economist and there usually ask for a Master/PHD with 10+ plus experience and foreign language. I can imagine it being competitive to get in, however equally qualified people could get much better paid jobs (if you want).

He's chief admin. officer of the infrastructure network/financial analyst. haha, yea, it's a bit weird asking him about that since it's so contoversial :hmmmm: . but, his answer is although that is the case with some developing countries, the world bank aids in many different facets of a developing country, from infrastructure, health, education etc...and that it has done alot of research and funding that has helped countries too. thank god he's not directly involved with that stuff!!

but as far as working there goes...they have tons of benefits!!