The Student Room Group

How do I kick start ...

my period? For certain reasons I do not want to be on during summit and my cycle is usually regular 28/29 days. I should have began last week, but I havent yet and I have been getting stoamch cramps and bloatedness all week, so I know I'm not going to skip it.

Anyway I really want to begin today, is there any way I can trigger it to start today? Naturally or unnaturally?

My mum told me to ride a donkey yesterday on the beach, so I did, but it didn't work. I know I shouldn't be messing about and should let it flow naturally, but oh well.

Do you think a million sit ups or stick my finger up myself would work it?
What about some foods?
Let me know, thanks in advanced. In the mean time I will be googling.

Love BlueAngel xxx
WHAT?! its a natural biological rhythm just leave it alone. anyway things like that are very difficult to manipulate :confused:
WHAT?! its a natural biological rhythm just leave it alone. anyway things like that are very difficult to manipulate :confused:

I dont want to leave it alone, I want to start NOW :bawling:
ah ha I found summit on google, apparently heat on the back can kick start it :smile: I'm going to a sauna, or maybe sit in the sun, if the neighbours dont stare :eek:
Reply 5
a donkey ? seriously ? i would have never guessed there was any link between periods and donkey s !!

anyway i dont think u can kick start it, need to let it take its own good time, it will happen when it is meant to start. why such the rush for it to start ? enjoy not having cramps etc while u can !!!
Reply 6
Well your stressing about your period coming will probably make it late!
its ok, I started an half an hour ago, lol. I guess me having tons of orange juice over the weekend might have made it work. Lessthanthree you can delete this thread.
Thanks for ur replies.
Reply 8
For future reference, I found something on google saying you only needed a vibrator!
For future reference, I found something on google saying you only needed a vibrator!

Oh right, I wish I knew earlier :p: Cheers.
Reply 10
Hmm a vibrator would have much more fun than orange juice. xx
Reply 11
Hmm a vibrator would have much more fun than orange juice. xx

Hi mousey, completley irrelevent...

But have you been to see a doctor yet? You don't need to say what happened, but It'd be good to know things are moving forward etc. best wishes