The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I have literally been sneezing all night and still am - every minute or so. I've got through two boxes of tissues and it's really making me feel ill now. I don't know what it is (I don't have any other hayfever symptoms so I doubt it's that - and anyway, I never get hayfever like this) or how to stop the sneezes! Can anyone recommend anything I can do?

I always find Vicks Sinus nasalspray does the trick for me. It's worth a try. Cheers.
Reply 2
I don't want to buy a medicine - I wonder if there was any straightforward quickfix lol that I could do right now! Normally I'd try and wrap up warmer but it's such a warm day anyway :rolleyes:

Actually vicks stuff might help, thanks.
Reply 3
It might be worth buying to keep in your medicne cabinet anyway. - You never know when you'll need it. I agree that medicines can be expensive/ a pain to buy, but I think it'll be worth it in the long run. Assuming it works ofcourse! Cheers
Why dont you want to buy any medicine? If it makes you better a few quid will be worth it. I have really bad hayfever at the moment, try getting some Eucalyptus oil (i think thats what its called) and put a few drops in boiling water and breate it.
Reply 5
john williams
Why dont you want to buy any medicine? If it makes you better a few quid will be worth it. I have really bad hayfever at the moment, try getting some Eucalyptus oil (i think thats what its called) and put a few drops in boiling water and breate it.

Ahhh boiled water/steam stuff might help.

As for not going out to buy medicine, it's a bit pointless considering it's only sneezes.
Reply 6
Did you know you can't sneeze with your eyes open?!?! OK bit random but is it hayfever?