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Reply 1
No ideas if this is in the right forum, but hey!

We've got our last day (leavers day) after A-Levels coming up and I was wondering what things everyone else has done on their last day?

Its a nice school (grammar) and I dont really want to do anything which will damage the school or really piss teachers off because they've been good to me and I may need their help on results day!

Therefore, what things can you suggest that will be funny but won't wreck the place?

My year dressed in army clothes and marched through the school. We also put up pictures of our headmistress' head on women who were in the army and put them up on the walls. The teachers found it very amusing especially the headmistress. All harmless fun and all the younger years thought the marching was hilarious. Might be a bit boring for some, but it worked for us!
Reply 2
try taking out as many lightbulbs from the school lights as you can, if they are those long strip ones, take them too and have a lightsaber battle, not very productive but fun all the same
My school has an aviary right next to the windows in one of the main corridors - so on the last day of year 13 my friend and I are planning to free the budgies. As a slightly more sane option, however, try asking your head teacher or head of year if you could have a water fight on the school field? Doesn't damage the school or piss off the teachers but lets you lot have fun :smile:
My school has an aviary right next to the windows in one of the main corridors - so on the last day of year 13 my friend and I are planning to free the budgies. As a slightly more sane option, however, try asking your head teacher or head of year if you could have a water fight on the school field? Doesn't damage the school or piss off the teachers but lets you lot have fun :smile:

Me and one of my mates had a water fight... nay... a water WAR (with the spray bottles used for cleaning penboards) up and down the English corridor. It was hilarious :biggrin:
Reply 5
The Upper Sixth that just left turned all of the signs, posters etc in the school upside down.. was quite amusing. Other ones I can remember were when everyone parked their cars along the cross country track on the field (kinda pissed off the P.E. staff,) making a massive water slide down the school hill (lots of fun :biggrin:) leaving dead fish under the panels in the ceilings of classrooms, releasing loads of mice, tethering a sheep in the office of the Head of Sixth Form (he was Welsh :wink:) photoshopping pictures of the senior staff and sticking them up everywhere (the Head smoking a joint etc)... some of those are Year 11 pranks I think. Oh and the Year 13's at my friends Sixth Form College opened the main doors of the school, and a load of them ran in to the classrooms, lobbed water balloons at the teachers and then sprinted out again. Perhaps that would piss your teachers off a little too much though.. lol
Reply 6
well on my last day of school i got sent home :p:
we werent allowed ot get our shirts signed..but me and 2 of my fellow rebel friends didnt care and got caught..ended up missing our last lessons of the day lmao
ahhh school was fun :p:
What to do on the last day of school!

go home is usualy a good idea :biggrin:
try taking out as many lightbulbs from the school lights as you can, if they are those long strip ones, take them too and have a lightsaber battle, not very productive but fun all the same

remember to fill the tubes with petrl and light it :rolleyes:
Reply 9
yr 13's at my school always seem to throw around eggs and shaving foam. I don't see the point myself? Everyone gets caught in the crossfire. :rolleyes:
yr 13's at my school always seem to throw around eggs and shaving foam. I don't see the point myself? Everyone gets caught in the crossfire. :rolleyes:

get a key for the fire alarms. set them off w/o breaking the glass. always do it 2 the same call point. have them wondering why its goin off when not broke.

or get a can of test smoke for the detectors, altho they might think some1 has been smokin
On our Year 11 leaving day we hung an inflatable "love sheep" ( fo those :confused: ) outside our headmistress's window. This in itself wasn't TOO interesting, except she didn't realise what it was supposed to be used for, and proceeded to carry it to assembly with her :rofl: (our deputy head went and got it from her :p: )

Other things we've done haven't been so interesting - releasing enough balloons to fill corridors, water fights etc. I went to an all girls school, and this year's year 11hung bras from all the trees, the school couldn't get them down :rofl:
Reply 12
Turn all the tables upside down in a classroom and video it, whilst wearing paper plate masks with face on, and going "YAAAAAR" (Yes, it really has been done)
Then there is always the old classics of cementing a portaloo into the middle of the sports field :flute:

That site has some decent ideas, although you may have to fish around to find some big ones.
where i used to work, there were 2 of us always playin pranks. mostly on each other. 1 day i went to use the computer.... had to take a hammer to the mouse to get it off the desk... well superglued down...

so later when he wasnt around i went into his cupboard. glued the toolbox shut. glued it to the bottom of cupboard, glued the door shut and put a different lock on, conviently leaving the key where he would find it.

needless to say, he needed something outta his toolbox urgenty when the manager was standing around.... fortunatly, nothin came back to me....
Reply 16
where i used to work, there were 2 of us always playin pranks. mostly on each other. 1 day i went to use the computer.... had to take a hammer to the mouse to get it off the desk... well superglued down...

so later when he wasnt around i went into his cupboard. glued the toolbox shut. glued it to the bottom of cupboard, glued the door shut and put a different lock on, conviently leaving the key where he would find it.

needless to say, he needed something outta his toolbox urgenty when the manager was standing around.... fortunatly, nothin came back to me....

must have been a boring job
must have been a boring job

wasnt too bad actually. we just had too much 'spare' time
Reply 18
My school is very respectable. However I will give you a breif summary of the highlights of the last few years:

-one maths teacher's car being completely clingfilmed
-the old latin teacher was tied to a chair and given an inflatable bonking sheep (and videoed)
-part of the school is tall and tower-like and one year the sixth form abseiled down the middle of the stairwell
-notices were given to all the classes so that for the first lesson the whole school had a room change to the room at the top of the highest building with the most difficult access
-600 copies of a fake letter from the headmaster were made and given to all the pupils notifiying parents that the headmaster had run off to join the circus
-we caught a pigeon, put it in a box and put it in the chemistry department pigeon holes
-we have a uniform, but everyone wore pink shirts with their ties and blazers

I can't think of any others at the moment though.

Good luck!
Reply 19
on my last day of college we let off some stink bombs... fackin 'ell wot a stink!!! also we used to pin up funny pictures all over the college. those bangers are good too, u know the ones u throw at the ground can have a lot of fun with a handfull!!!!