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Calling in sick first day of new job advice needed please


I am suffering terribly with the flu and fever(have the aches serious temperature etc), I am on the internet typing this in a desperate situation. The thing is i started my new job with sainsburys last week (2 day training) and am due to start the job proper tomorrow,its a 9 hour shift on the groceries. The thing is I have been bed ridden since the last day and I know physically it will do me more harm than good being there tomorrow but what on earth do i do?

Its been awaful for me, i dont want to create the bad impression but I did not pick the time and day to get the flu.

I am very worried please help :frown:
Reply 1
er damn.. crap situation.. call them and explain, apologise profusely, it is just unfortunate this happened right before you begin... if possible, get a DR note to back it up?
If I was you I would just go. Let them know you are ill and apologise, get dosed up on beechams and battle through. If you then need to take your 2nd shift off at least they know you aren't ************.
Reply 3
Call them and just apologise loads. If they're a good employer they should understand, especially if its really contagious
Hope you feel better soon:smile:
Reply 4
Call and explain, I would also go to the doctor and get a medical cert just in case.
they'll probably get pissed off if u go on with flu....what with it being a food store and ur buggered either way.......i reckon the Dr. note is the way forward....tell them u have it when u ring them and then get hold of it before u actually go to work
they'll probably get pissed off if u go on with flu....what with it being a food store and ur buggered either way.......i reckon the Dr. note is the way forward....tell them u have it when u ring them and then get hold of it before u actually go to work

Quite right. If you really have flu (which given you're actually in bed seems plausible) and turn up at work they will send you right back home. You don't need a doctor's note; should be able to take your first week off sick without one.
Reply 7
Go in.
Reply 8
No. Don't go in. What a ridiculous suggestion. Get a doctor's note, turn up and show them it, then go back home.
Reply 9
No. Don't go in. What a ridiculous suggestion. Get a doctor's note, turn up and show them it, then go back home.

If I hired someone and they phoned in sick on the first day I'd be very sceptical. First impressions are important and it will tarnish her reputation.
Reply 10
Well whatever you do, go in and then get sent home or not go in at all, both will be marked down as absences from work. You are only allowed 3 absences in a year with Sainsbury's before disciplinary action is taken.

I would ring them and explain the situation, if you are truly ill, you are ill. That's it and you shouldn't be around food or customers. I would advise getting a doctor's note just to back yourself up.
Reply 11
I doubt very much that is true especially as if your ill you cant help it and they wouldnt even want you to be at work expecially due to the environment your working in.

Most big companies allow you to self certify your sickness for 5 working days and after that you have to get a note.

So just call in sick, they will have procedures in place for handling sicknesses and is no way it will be held against you.

I'm sorry to say this is entirely the case. Three absences and after that you will be invited to attend a disciplinary.

This doesn't mean you will be sacked, but you will get a warning and bear in mind they will keep a close eye on how many separate absences you have in a year.

Sadly they have to do this as people will take sick days whenever they feel like it, which is unfortunate for people who are genuinely ill, but like I said to the OP, he/she is ill and shouldn't be at work. I am just giving them an idea of the procedures in place. Like I said before, the OP should possibly get a doctor's note.
Reply 12
I would go in to show my face and just say 'look I'm really sorry, I feel horrendous, I will try my best but I may have to go home'-or go a few hours before your shift so they can arrange cover. At least that way they will see you are genuine.
It happend to me, I phoned up and was told to go in and they will see if I was too ill to work, well I had Flu and chest infection, I couldn't lift my head off the pillow, and to drive like that would be dangerous. You health is more inportant, as after a few weeks I went back to work and callapsed coughing up blood, was rushed into hospital with servire pneumonia .. so no , you need to look after yourself and get better first and in the mean time look for another job in case!!! You can get a sick note over the phone.....