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How can u tell that.... a girl likes you or not

How can u tell that a girl likes u or not?

Basically, i am really liking this particular girl. She left my school and went to college and we are both in year 12. We ocassionally meet on the bus back home but for the past few months i have gotten to like her and gotten to know her a lot more than i used to. Its like everytime i see here and get close to heart something happens to my heart, its like a warm feeling i have towards her. I dunno if its love or similar but i always feel like giving her a very big hug. i feel enlightened and happy everytime i see/talk to her.
its very difficult for me to make out whether she feels the same for me or if she even likes me a bit.

Its coming to the summer holidays where i will not get a chance to see her.
what should i do?

Also i am a bit shy when it comes to things like these..
And btw we are friends and im not sure if that changes anything.

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Reply 1
Talk to her! Tell her how you feel!! Go for it!!! Better to have tried and failed then not to have tried at all!!! :biggrin::biggrin:
You can't.

Woman's head's are messed.

I was getting on so well with a girl (there was some VERY intense flirting) and when I "gave her the exclusive chance to have a drink with me" she avoided the question.

Either she is playing hard to get, she's thick or she doesnt like me.

Good Luck!
Invite her out somewhere at the weekend or in the holidays. Don't call it a 'date' or whatever, just a mutual meet up. Ask for her phone number to contact her and then you can meet up. You can assess it more from there. You sound like a nice enough guy and if you like her which girls really value, i'm sure she'll be more than happy to oblige. Good luck! x
make sure you get her number!!!! it will do the world so much good :biggrin:
Reply 5
give her a text asking her if she wants to meet up and do something sometime.

I take the cynical view on women, they like messing with us and enjoy.

Therefore, I take on the natural role of messing with them before they get to you. Don't be a sap and tell her 'I really really like you' - make a move on her, as others have suggested ask her out someplace or something and then go for the kill. If she turns you down, don't talk to her for a while, or at least cool the friendship and then you can start to slowly bring her back in.
Reply 7
Look... don't believe all this stuff about girls messing with guys' heads. There are a tiny, tiny percentage of girls that do that, but the rest of us just want a nice guy to ask us out, ok?

Don't "go in for the kill" (she might just be a karate expert) or say something really smarmy and arrogant. Ask her if you can take her number so you guys can carry on chatting through the summer hols. If that goes well, ask her is she wants to meet up. Most girls know what guys are like, so she'll assume, and if she isn't interested, will probably let you down gently.

But go for it, please! I like a guy at my school and am too much of a wimp to do anything: don't be like me.
Reply 8
when i liked my ex, n didnt know whether he liked me, i just talked to him straight out, and it turned out that he did like me and he was just a bit shy
go on, swallow ur shyness n just go for it, and even if shes not into you in that way, she will be flattered, snds to me like uve got a good thing goin here :smile:
Reply 9
its probably gonna be hard cus i had never had a serious relationship before...
think everyone goes through the change in heart feeling when you really really like a person, wouldnt say love though. i say go talk to her and dont be chicken though i still am a chicken over things like this showing how tsr really gives help :rolleyes: (joking!). the worst feeling is to ponder whether they like you or not and whether you like them enough to tell them and another million what if events between you and her.
Reply 11
are there any parties or anything that you might both end up being at? If you're both at the same party/event and she takes the time to talk with you, she obviously "values" you in some way.
What kinda things do you talk about when you're on the bus with her? Is it just silly banter or proper conversations?
Reply 12
Cut to the chase and ask her outright. Most people prefer straight-talking rather than pussyfooting around. And even if she says "no" - your ego will soon recover. (Sorry that sounds awful - I'm NOT suggesting you have an ego problem). :wink:
Reply 13
are there any parties or anything that you might both end up being at? If you're both at the same party/event and she takes the time to talk with you, she obviously "values" you in some way.
What kinda things do you talk about when you're on the bus with her? Is it just silly banter or proper conversations?

We jus talk mainly about the day, how it was, what did we do in the weekends, a sport we both like etc. common things we are both into sorta thing.
We aint been talking much due to the exams but she does feel shes open to me. If she has any problems then i try to help her out.

But its either i start he conversation or she starts it.
when im quiet for a while, she will talk to me...
First thing is first, do you think you genuinly have a chance? If you do, then what do you have to worry about? Rejection is something that everyone goes through, you will soon get over it - either way it will be nice knowing whether she likes you or not.

She will jump at the chance of seeing you during the holidays if she likes you, that is another way to see if she likes you or not.

Just go for it! All of your life experiences are positive, one way or another. :smile:
Reply 15
if u really wanna get a woman the most simple thing is to find her weaknesses and play on them.. find things she feels insecure about and dont make it overly obvious, but make her feel better about herself. keep handing out the compliments (in a nice way) and ull have her in bed in no time :wink:
its probably gonna be hard cus i had never had a serious relationship before...

Having a short or long term relationship makes no difference, I expect a lot more people than you relaise havent had serious relationships. You sound to me as though you just need to be more confident about it. Don't listen to all this "girls mess guys around" it generally comes from guys who have gone for really arrogant girls, or the sort of guy who would say "she didn't want to go out with me - she's obviously a lesbian." Listen to the advice of the girls on here, seeing as we're more likely to have the same viewpoint as the girl in question. Like most people have said, invite her out/txt her to go to something then assess how she's behaving from there.
Reply 17
if u really wanna get a woman the most simple thing is to find her weaknesses and play on them.. find things she feels insecure about and dont make it overly obvious, but make her feel better about herself. keep handing out the compliments (in a nice way) and ull have her in bed in no time :wink:

i dont think his brain is in his dick, unlike yours
Reply 18
i dont think his brain is in his dick, unlike yours

give her a call or something. if you havent got her number ask for it.
I told a guy a couple of weeks ago that i liked him. And he asked for my number. so you never know what she will say if you don't just ask.