You can do something about it then can't you. Don't conform, do what you want. Some laws are ****** up, mainly ones against drugs,tobacco, euthanasia, assisted suicide etc.
But, by and large, this culture gives the majority of people what they want. Almost everyone can go to uni if they are clever enough and they can enjoy education, afterwards they can get a job, get a partner, buy what they want, and have kids. Now, in terms of satisfying my human needs, this society enables:
Intellectual stimulation
Physical Stimulation
Spirituality (Religion is everywhere and i can follow what one I like)
Outlet for any violence (martial arts, boxing etc)
Safety (so many more people live for longer than ever did)
Security (I feel reasonably safe)
Sex (all I have to do is find a partner)
and kids (of which I can have as many as I want).
Whats so bad about that?