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Are you sick of modern society?

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Reply 60
Now I'm just not sure whether you simply want to "go against the grain" or start some new Kevin_123 tribe in the forest :dontknow:

I'm just saying you don't have to follow the template that you laid out in your first post. Yes you have to live by the laws but that doesn't mean you have to live by the rules. Few people push the boundaries of what they can actually do, they just stick it in the "too difficult" box. Go places, see the world, don't settle down for a while - you probably won't be rich but if that's what you want then you'll be happy. If you have your wits about you, and you're smart, you can do what y'like (within reason) :yep:

Modern society can suck but in a way you have it all laid out for you - blessed with high living standards, long life expectancy, efficient transport, efficient communication. It's just what you do with it.
If someone went up to me and said "There is an abandoned island in XXXX, here is a map.. I would get some people, some supplies, leave all the crap behind, screw everything and just go there..

The thing is, I want a world without all this "modern society" things.. but when it exists I want to be part of it and have lots of money.. if that makes sense..
Reply 61
Perhaps. But not as sick of it as ancient societies. People before us were -terrible-
Start a rebellion!!

Nah, I dont know to be honest.. it's one of those things where an individual can't do a lot about it, and I think there is enough people who doesn't want things to change for anything to happen...

If only there was an abandoned country somewhere.. :frown:

Buy an island?
Reply 63
Haha, Fight club is a good film but shouldn't be used to make a point. Ever.
Reply 64
lol at undergrads thinking they're totally radical.
Reply 65
It can't be just me.. this whole.. school -> college -> uni -> job -> marriage -> family -> death thing!

Do whatever you want, only close family will care :s-smilie:

Buy an island?

Ooo can I share?
Reply 66
Buy an island?
Yeah sure, I'll just use the £3,000,000 I have stashed in my bank account.. :rolleyes:
Reply 67
Yeah sure, I'll just use the £3,000,000 I have stashed in my bank account..
This is how you should live your life to avoid future disappointment:
school -> college -> uni -> job -> buy a island -> death.
Reply 68
You can do something about it then can't you. Don't conform, do what you want. Some laws are ****** up, mainly ones against drugs,tobacco, euthanasia, assisted suicide etc.

But, by and large, this culture gives the majority of people what they want. Almost everyone can go to uni if they are clever enough and they can enjoy education, afterwards they can get a job, get a partner, buy what they want, and have kids. Now, in terms of satisfying my human needs, this society enables:

Intellectual stimulation
Physical Stimulation
Spirituality (Religion is everywhere and i can follow what one I like)
Outlet for any violence (martial arts, boxing etc)
Safety (so many more people live for longer than ever did)
Security (I feel reasonably safe)
Sex (all I have to do is find a partner)
and kids (of which I can have as many as I want).

Whats so bad about that?
Reply 69
Everything is so damn unnecessary, we're all stuck in this controlled society believing we live in this great democratic world but it's all so ****. If you've seen fight club you'll understand what I mean..

Dont you people feel like you want it to change? I just hate it so much.. stupid big corporation wanting to make money, our food is full of colouring, preservants, fat and salt.. proccessed food is becoming stupidly cheap and fruit/veg is getting more expensive... dont you wish the world would just change and all people would just start living..

There is soo much depression and crap and we're just given pills to surpress it, diseases like cancer are increasing soo much, we're just creating problems and finding temporary solutions...


Anyway, start living?, how so. Should we not have pills to suppress depression then, should we all cut our wrists and have mindless sex and lots of other crazy destructive things.

Start living, do you mean start fighting? Trust me, smashing your fist into someones head, seeing their eyeballs roll back and their neck relax and their head snap forwards as they hit the ground already unconscious is not fun. Nor is being beaten up, punches hurt and if you swallow lots of your own blood you feel sick. Again, not fun. Booze is depressing. Fags don't do much. Drugs are expensive. Controlled, controlled by what. It's just other humans at the top. A carefully organized group of 100 people could bring this government down within a month. Nothing stopping you killing the CEO of Citi Group. Hows that for power and control. You can control whether he lives or dies. The same goes for most humans you know.

What do you suggest one does, what specifically bothers you about this society. I'm all ears lol.
Reply 70

Intellectual stimulation
Physical Stimulation
Spirituality (Religion is everywhere and i can follow what one I like) People follow religions that make them believe they should kill other people and crash planes into buildings.
Outlet for any violence (martial arts, boxing etc)
Safety (so many more people live for longer than ever did)
Security (I feel reasonably safe) There are still a lot of unsafe areas and there is no means of protecting yourself.. if a maniac comes in your house and you kill him, you are likely to go to prison.
Sex (all I have to do is find a partner) Finding a partner is easier said than done.
and kids (of which I can have as many as I want). Not if you live in China

Whats so bad about that?
Reply 71
Anyway, start living?, how so. Should we not have pills to suppress depression then, should we all cut our wrists and have mindless sex and lots of other crazy destructive things.

Start living, do you mean start fighting? Trust me, smashing your fist into someones head, seeing their eyeballs roll back and their neck relax and their head snap forwards as they hit the ground already unconscious is not fun. Nor is being beaten up, punches hurt and if you swallow lots of your own blood you feel sick. Again, not fun. Booze is depressing. Fags don't do much. Drugs are expensive. Controlled, controlled by what. It's just other humans at the top. A carefully organized group of 100 people could bring this government down within a month. Nothing stopping you killing the CEO of Citi Group. Hows that for power and control. You can control whether he lives or dies. The same goes for most humans you know.

What do you suggest one does, what specifically bothers you about this society. I'm all ears lol.
That everything is so intense, it is almost impossible to survive without a job, you can't just decide to build your own house and go hunt animals because all land is either private owned or government owned.. it doesn't seem like it at first but when you look and think deeply about it, there is this "template" to how our lives have to be like, you have to spend years learning about things that are completely pointless that dont really matter...
Reply 72

So in your society do you expect women to give themselves to you? - you not getting a partner isn't a reflection of the problems in our society, it's you being suckish with girls.

Tempting fate here, but how often does a maniac invade someone else house and kill them. Not often. And in court you wouldn't go to prison, for defending yourself, as long as you use reasonable means to defend yourself. Why would you kill someone anyway. If a maniac came into my house, I'd lock myself in my bedroom and phone the police. Why would I want to put my life on the line, when I pay tax money for others to protect me.
I don't live in China do I, I meant western society (the most developed), not whatever madness is going on somewhere else.
The religions don't make them believe that, the extremist preachers do. And so what, for most religious people it is a massive comfort in their lives.

That everything is so intense, it is almost impossible to survive without a job, you can't just decide to build your own house and go hunt animals because all land is either private owned or government owned.. it doesn't seem like it at first but when you look and think deeply about it, there is this "template" to how our lives have to be like, you have to spend years learning about things that are completely pointless that dont really matter...

Well humans always want more, if you built a house, someone else would take it. Sorry. If you want to live an agricultural lifestyle, go to Israel and live on a kibbutz. And there are not either enough land or enough animals for everyone to have a house and enough land to go hunting on.
Then don't do it.
Don't do the whole "school -> college -> uni -> job -> marriage -> family -> death thing!" and live your life like you want to.

Ill be impressed if you manage to skip the last stage.
For future reference, this is where you lose your credibility.

Reply 75
Why though.. can someone explain!
I'd be born in the 1920s if I had my way.
I'd be born in the 1920s if I had my way.
Why though.. can someone explain!

Fight Club is a book and film about modern society, but, really you shouldn't say that whoever has seen Fight Club will know what you talking about, because it's part of popular culture and not really a valid comment. It's really just for entertainment, to provoke some thoughts, not action.
Johnny Luk
Ill be impressed if you manage to skip the last stage.

I only read "school -> college -> uni -> job "
I just skipped the rest, because I'm a rebel like that.