I don`t understand why you can`t wear contacts, there should be a right one suitable for you.
I have really bad eye sight, -4.50 and -5.50, i wear glasses and contacts 24-7 so its like a part of me. I started having contacts when I was 15ish (18 now) and they are irritating me, because you have to keep buying lens solutions, they dry your eyes out and become uncomfortable, you have to clean it every night, become reluctant to stay over at friends caus you can`t sleep with them in.
I`d like to have laser eye surgery but apparantly, by cutting your cornea, it becomes very weak and the pressure inside the eye may get too high and burst your cornea. Basically, we`re unlucky to have crap eyesight, but gotta get over it until science improves.
Having said that, there are new products available such as lenses you wear in the evenings which change the shape of your cornea so that during the day you can see without any corrective lenses. And you can also get surgical permenant contact lenses, which should last a lifetime. Hopefully, they`ll become available for us one day.