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Reply 1
I only started wearing it when I was 16...even now I only wear mascara!
Reply 2
i dont wear makeup :rolleyes:
I started wearing make-up when I was 16. When I'm going out with friends, shopping or to the cinema etc I always wear some spangly eye shadow, concealer, eye liner, mascara and a squirt of a juicy tube on my lips. At home I never wear make-up, but when I'm out I always have a bit of something on.

Come to think of it, the only place you can actually tell that I wear make-up is around my eyes.
Reply 4
I just couldn't stand wearing foundation or would make me feel all "clogged up"!
I don't like foundation either. I only ever use concealer to cover up the odd blotch.
Reply 6
Yeah...but sometimes a bit of concealer is really needed!
Reply 7
you're all gonna think i'm so shallow now but... i wear makeup, like, all the time! sorry :redface:
xx phoebe xx
Reply 8
No not at all....most people do wear makeup all the time...I have to wear anti-allergy mascara though cos it makes my eyes itch so so much!
Reply 9
I'm not wearing any today ^_^ when it's the summer and I've got colour in my cheeks I don't wear much at all, and in the winter I'll only go as far as eyeliner and mascara really.
Reply 10
I only ever wear a bit of mascara to school. When i go out i wear a bit of mascara and a bit of eyeliner, with a tiny bit of face powder. I hat wearing foundation, it makes my face stiff :rolleyes:
Reply 11
I just couldn't stand wearing foundation or would make me feel all "clogged up"!

I couldn't stand not wearing foundation! If you get a good one by Clinique or whatever, it doesn't feel cloggy at all, in fact I barely even notice I have it on. I always wear it when I'm out of the house, it just makes the skin on my face look all the same colour :smile:
well i always wear eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara. think i like my eys like that. but im told i look better without make-up. but im too self-concious not to wear it..
Reply 13
I wear make up if i'm going for a night out - mascara, powder, maybe a bit of eyeliner and some lip gloss. I do own some foundation that i keep for if i'm going to a really big do - a ball, or something - when i know i will be having lots of photos taken but having a bad skin day!

i don't wear make up to work, or in the day though. i like to let my skin breathe and i'm lazy to boot!
Reply 14
I don't wear make up, apart from concealer when i really need it! If anyone has problems with spots Freederm is excellent, which is why i don't need as much concealer as i used to. Costs £8.95 but its worth it!
I'm a bit anti foundation for some reason. I just think its really unnecessary for everyday use. I mean, lads don't have to wear it, and I think people look much nicer without it to be honest. I think its good for going out to a big do or if you're on stage but not for everyday, I think it takes the beauty out of peoples faces rather than putting it in.

I like to wear a bit of make up especially in the morning to brighten me up. Anything from just mascara, to blush/bronzer if I can be bothered and some eyeliner (though not heavy). But I love doing myself up for a night out, which is why I hardly wear any for everyday. I can wear lots of blush and more eyeliner :biggrin:
I never used to like wearing concealer but it is good to have on for going out. Recently discovered a brilliant product called One Step Face Base by Virgin Vie. It is a dream for putting on to even up skin and have a base for going out. It is like a compact foundation and powder in one. It is so light and takes a second to apply. Wonderful!! It doesn't cover you skin up it just makes it look nicer and smooths out blemishes.
Reply 17
I don't wear it all the time, but when I do I usually wear lots!
Reply 18
I only wear it when I'm going out (in the evening- not to Tesco's!). But even then I don't wear much.
I hate makeup...I always forget and rub my eyes or something...Foundation doesn't suit me...I'm pretty freckled, so it looks a bit odd. And tbh, I don't really have enough time. I wear a bit of mascara if I'm going out, but that's it.

hehe, there was a question about this sort of thing on my critical thinking paper...