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Reply 1
Glad your got that off your chest. Why do you wish to change yourself though?
go pound some vadge
Reply 3
What's wrong with being gay? :| you seem to have fun with it ^_^
You could always get some 'de-gay spray' from Asda, that'll fix you right up :smile:
I feel the same! Life would be so much easier if i were straight! All my friends are straight...i just wish i could see girls in the way they do!
that's gay! :lol:
You do realise though that not all men have strong legs, the "i don't give a damn" attitude, angular features, big feet, tanned arms and messy hair, right?
Reply 8
so there isn't a way to change to straight from being gay?
Reply 9
I can never understand this mentality. You seem to believe that being gay is somehow wrong.
Reply 10
so there isn't a way to change to straight from being gay?

No. The best thing you can do is accept yourself for who you are. Don't waste years of your life feeling crappy because you wish you fancied the opposite gender. Go out and enjoy yourself, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks :yep:
I was thinking the same thing.

Anyway, you haven't even mentioned why you don't want to be gay?!

I'll take this.

Maybe because we live in a world where millions of people consider the hanging of homosexuals to be ok (Islamic theocracies?)
Well, now I'm curious with the rest of this lot! Why do you dislike being gay??
Reply 13
Stop being gay then.
Reply 14
so there isn't a way to change to straight from being gay?

ummmmm.... as far as i know, no. bt none of my friends (gay or otherwise) have ever wanted to change their sexual orientation.
Reply 16
Being gay is horrible for me. It makes me dead awkward around other men. I just want to be friends with them. Instead my head is full of dirty thoughts about them.
Honestly, I feel quite similar. Some would argue that I lack self-acceptance, but on the contrary, I do accept what I am, and embrace it. However, I do see the advantages of being heterosexual in a predominantly heterosexual age. Being the minority is almost never fun or easy in terms of social integration. As a cause of my sexuality, I have been discriminated against, and ultimately bullied into a state of mind whereby I would prefer to be heterosexual.

Example: I own a Ford fiesta (not actually :p:) and accept this fact and love the car, but I would certainly prefer a Mercedes. See where I'm coming from?

You can also be on a diet, but this doesn't mean you can't have a look at the menu.

I do also note that the main components in forging this opinion are the social constraints, stereotypes, aversion of the taboo, and expectations which we gays and anything other than the 'norm' must endure in this day and age. This is undoubtedly unfair, but that's life, isn't it? In my personal opinion, bisexuality is the way to go! The best of both worlds huh.

This reminds me to go and get my provisional license!!
Reply 18
No. The best thing you can do is accept yourself for who you are. Don't waste years of your life feeling crappy because you wish you fancied the opposite gender. Go out and enjoy yourself, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks :yep:

I agree, if you maintain your mentality, you'll only harm yourself in the long run. Besides, love is genderless, so you may find men sexually attractive yet fall in love with a woman, but most relationships of that genre are based on sexual attraction. Don't beat yourself up; your sexuality does not have to define you.
Reply 19
@Anon: Ever thought that if you were straight you'd probably have the same problem around women?