The Student Room Group

Shaving advice wanted (men)

Have any guys out there got any tips for a close shave. I've got pretty thick growth in the beard area, I need to shave at least once a day to look presentable, sometimes twice. I just can't shave closely.

I used to shave up but have been told on many times it's bad, that it causes ingrowing hairs, so I stopped, but I could shave much closer that way. However they're right, I tried to shave upwards again the other day and broke out in a rash and lots of little red spots.

I just use a Mach 3 and Gillette shaving gel and even if I shave twice in a row it doesn't seem to get any closer.

Any tips?

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Reply 1
Never heard that ingrowing hairs thing before sounds like a load of balls. Keep shaving up and maby get some of that nivia aftercare stuff or whatever if its sore afterwards. Otherwise the street barbers in Hanoi are pretty good.
I always shave up and never had any problems. The rash and red spots might have just been the skin being unused to being shaven that way, if you keep doing it then it is bound to stop.
Shaving's a chore for me. I'm only 15 and I have to shave at least once a day, otherwise my stubble springs up rather quickly. Generally, I shave on school days, and when I'm seeing people who I'd rather like to keep my image up with ie. family, friends, girlfriend, music teachers etc, but quite often when I can't give a toss about my image, I go into town sporting a healthy beard.
Reply 4
use a shaving brush and some shaving cream.

the brush exfoliates and softens up all the bristles...making them easier to shave off. shaving upwards is fine, just make sure u reapply the cream/ soap before u do.
first use shaving cream, massage ur face for 3 or 4 minutes.. then wait for 1 minute, and start shaving downwards.. NEVER TRY TO SHAVE UR BEARD UPWARDS, BECAUSE U WILL FACE LOTS OF PROBLEMS IN FUTURE.. if necessary, shave it once more.. when u finished never forget to use some lotion or aftershave..
Reply 6
Shaving's a chore for me.

same here.

as such i do it less than once a month.
Reply 7
che guevara

Evidence Plz.
Reply 8
che guevara
first use shaving cream, massage ur face for 3 or 4 minutes.. then wait for 1 minute, and start shaving downwards.. NEVER TRY TO SHAVE UR BEARD UPWARDS, BECAUSE U WILL FACE LOTS OF PROBLEMS IN FUTURE.. if necessary, shave it once more.. when u finished never forget to use some lotion or aftershave..

what problem do you get in teh future?
Reply 9
u dont get problems. thats a load of rubbish.
Reply 10
same here.

as such i do it less than once a month.


I'm quite proud of my beard and even then after two weeks it gets uncomfortable and at least a no.1 on the machine blade is needed to neaten it up again.
my dad told me not to shave upwards.. apparently gives you V tough stubble
Reply 12
ur dad is wrong :smile:

if u have a good razor and have enough cream/soap on ur face, u can shave any way u want.
Its nto about shaving up, its about shaving in the direction of the stubble, so under your chin its best to shave up (i.e. the direction that the hair grows) and in my experience shaving up gets closer, because its against the grain ( just like in woodwork lol) um. if you want a superb close shave, learn to yuse a cut-throat razor (wonder where that name came from though!) or try electronic razors.
Reply 14
ive been shaving since I was like ****ing 10 or 11 or some ****, and at first I used to be really embaressed and tried to hide any sign of it, so i allways shaved against the grain, which gave me all gay red spots and ****.

i havent shaved for months recently, but when i do I just use an old dirty mach 3 and shaving oil, no foam and ****. Ive never, in recent years, tried to keep it smooth anyway, i prefer uber beards
Reply 15
I have a problem! When I shave down above my top lip, it does not get clean shaved. I have to shave upwards in order to shave it clear off. I heard that was a bad thing.
Reply 16
*sigh* no its not a bad thing, just make sure u have enough foam/ soap on
ahh the pleasures of being a lady, i dont have to shave my face!
I shave upwards and I've never had a problem.
Reply 19
ahh the pleasures of being a lady, i dont have to shave my face!

shaving other things men don't have to.....