Are these subjects good for GCSE if i want to be a games designer as a career? Accountant is my back-up plan and then McDonalds and then suicide. (i'm in year 9 and i'm returning my reply in 2 weeks):
Maths - I'm good with this, really really good! (i can do A level algerbra questions - no sweat at all)
Science - Double science or maybe Triple
English - Not so good seeing this as my second language
Technology (Compulsory in my school, is it in yours?) Graphics for Games Desginer?
ICT - Multimedia, for Games Designer?
German - I want to learn more languages, i know 3 languages fluent: Mandarin, Cantonese, English

and i'm still learning German.
_________ - I don't know this one, Business? Geography (i enjoy this)? R.E? did i mention Business?
Please give me some advice please because i want to return the favor back to my parents seeing as my dad works like hard labour to support our family

Are those subjects a good choice? Can you help me with that extra gap for a subject too? Thank you very much.