The Student Room Group

Worried About Relationship

I sent her a text this afternoon at 1pm. Telling her I'd arranged a job interview and just askin how she was doin (it was : phoned them up and got a tinterview thursday at 12. what you up to x).

It's now 22:42 (9 hours later) and she hasn't replied. She's on holiday. Do I assume she's cheating on me or put it down to something else? She's cheated on me before and didn't tell me, I had to get one of my spies on the job (who talked to her, got it out of her then made her tell me). If she did cheat on me I don't think she'd tell me. I hope she wouldn't cheat in the first place...

So anyway I'm just wondering why le **** she wouldn't text me all day? I mean she says she misses me, she even says she wants to marry me and have my kids! (yeah she's crazy). And when I do text it takes her an hour or so to chuffin reply...Give me your comments.

BTW she has credit, she bought it the other day.

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Reply 1
wow... you are paranoid..
so let me get this straight
shes on holiday meant to be enjoying her self
BUT she should be ever watchful of her phone...?
maybe shes just out or didnt charge her phone?
Reply 2
uh shes on holiday when im away I have signal problems and its hard for me to txt straight back.
If your going to asume the worst of her all the time maybe shes not the girl for you
Reply 3
Well give her a chance, i sumtimes go for days without replying to txts. You never kno she mite have run out and also mite be a problem with her phone network.
Don'r expect the worse until you have spoken to her at least.
Reply 4
uh shes on holiday when im away I have signal problems and its hard for me to txt straight back.
If your going to asume the worst of her all the time maybe shes not the girl for you

i always assume the worst even if theres absolutely no reason to.
its just his personality i reckon, as it is mine.

its usually always nothing but in your case shes cheated on you before. it is important how and why she did it so why?
Reply 5
she could just be busy, or is there a time difference? or she has to think what to say, or she has no money on her phone, or it has run out of battery, or she has it on silent and hasnt realised, many reasons i think, so i wouldnt say she was cheating on you. if she goes as far as saying she want to marry you and have kids with you, i think your relationship is pretty stable
Reply 6
Did you read the part that said she's cheated on me before? (to the first two posters)

She 'cheated' on me once when she was supposedly drunk and snogged this lad, full on. Other times she was goin out with a lad every night of the week and lying to me about it...the thing is though she didn't tell me. Without being forced to by a mate of ours. Which is why I don't think she'd tell me if she did anything again
Reply 7
You're so paranoid!! It's not even been a day - she's on holiday so I'm assuming she is enjoying herself and not sitting by her phone all day. There are so many explanations - she's not near her phone, she hasn't charged it, poor reception, she lost it, etc. You really should trust her more than this than to jump to conclusions like that.
i wouldnt say you're assuming the worst, just worried. so try not to worry so much - its really expensive to text from abroad so she might just have decided to save the money. she might not have seen her phone. it might not be working properly or it might not be turned on, or it might be on silent. she could even have lost it. she could have gone out without it. she could be blindingly drunk and not able to text you. there are a million and one reasons.
there is however only one reason why she's with you, and that is: because she wants to be! so dont worry. it will be fine. i promise.
Reply 9
nope, sorry, never read things properly, really should learn by the many mistakes i have made! sorry but im still sure she isnt for the reasons i gave before
Reply 10
I think you should give her the benefit of the doubt at the minute. She's on holiday and enjoying herself, and her phone is probably the last thing on her mind at the minute, but that doesn't mean she doesn't care about you or that's she's cheating on you. I can understand that you're worried because she's cheated on you before and that plants doubts in your mind about her faithfulness to you, but you should trust her. I don't know you or your partner, or what your relationship is like, but I think you have some trust issue (understandably due to her cheating) which you need to sort out or else they'll end up driving you apart.
Reply 11
if your so sure about her cheating why are you still with her?
Reply 12
Well I suppose if she has cheated on you before then you mite need to take this into consideration. Give her till tmz nite at least, and then give her a ring. I kno its expensive but at least it will put your mind at rest.
However there does seem to be an obviousl lack of trust in the relationship. If you can'rt trust one another then it just aint worth the agro. I imagine your still very young (unless your sum 40yr old married man) and so you should move on if it does turn out to be what you dread.
However still don't presume what hasn't been verified.
Reply 13
Well I just called her. It rang three times then went dead (she cancelled it). Then after that it didnt even ring and just said 'it has not been possible to connect your call'

What do you think.

And starfornaz I don't think she has cheated, I'd like to think she hasn't but am just sayin she has before.
Well I just called her. It rang three times then went dead (she cancelled it). Then after that it didnt even ring and just said 'it has not been possible to connect your call'

What do you think.

And starfornaz I don't think she has cheated, I'd like to think she hasn't but am just sayin she has before.

maybe her battery died.
when the battery dies thats what happens and the phone goes off so gives u the voicemail thing
Reply 15
Maybe she feels as though you're checking up on her and she doesn't like it?
Reply 16
starfornaz lol... thats the first time ive been called that and ive been called a few things... :smile:
meh give it like another hour and maybe one last try... unless you wanna be weak and sleep :P
Reply 17
Look... its possible that she's cheating on you, just as its possible that everyone's other half is cheating on them. You can't do anything about it right now, so if this doesn't work out, then maybe you should plan on what you're going to say when she gets back, i.e. a cool, rational chat in which you both share your feelings about the situation.

On the other hand, perhaps she isn't answering because she feels you're being paranoid and are 'checking up' on her through mistrust. Its possible. Basically, there are a lot of possibilities; some of them not so good. Just keep calm, don't send her a barrage of messages, and wait to see what happens. If she *is* cheating, then this is the way to come through with dignity.
Reply 18
I don't think its checking up on her to send her a text asking how she is then phone 9 hours godsister had 41 missed calls on her phone last night off some weird guy who isn't even goin out with her...that's checkin up on someone :wink:
Reply 19
maybe thats stalking?
restraining order time?