Very quick background:
been with bf two months, we left uni on sunday, he's going away for 6 weeks on friday. Didn't see him much during exams but saw him after.
Anyway. I text him sunday night to say i was upset about leaving uni and missing all my friends; he sent me a lovely text back saying "hugs and kisses". I text him last night to ask if he wanted me to visit (he lives 45 min drive from me at home) before he went away, but that it would have to be tomorrow. Got no reply, but it was quite late. Text him again at about 12:30 today saying I could do today because things changed, then text him at 3 asking him to let me know asap in case I need the car. Still no reply.
He could have run outta credit, he might not have his phone with him, and he has also said there is a problem with it where it doesn't ring for some reason. It's happened three times before where he's run outta money.
Anyway, I'm impatient and I'm getting pissed off. What's my best course of action? Call him later? I don't want to appear obsessive but if I don't ask my dad for the car today then I might not be able to get it.