Yesterday, my dad got the promotion at work he's always wanted. As he works in the public sector (and this is the top job at the Council) it was reported in the paper, along with a whole load of s*it about how much my dad will be earning.
When I spoke to a friend about it, he called us "new money" and said "money is always better when it's in the family". I disagreed saying "well at least my dad has earnt his money". I generally just got a real vibe of jealousy, there wasn't any "oohhhh thats great, congrats to ur dad!" (coz this job is like an ultimate career aspiration fulfilled) and I'm so so pleased for him, but my friend isn't the only jealous one. At my last exam today, I walked in to hear one of the girls saying "omfg have u seen how much matt's dad earns, its mum has to work so hard for 20k a year".
I just think it's so bang out, those sort of comments. I fckin hate jealousy like this, it's not like my dad doesn't deserve it.
Grrr rant overs!