The Student Room Group

is business/business management really boring at uni?


im doin a-levels in psychology, business and product design. i luv business studies and im v business minded. i also love psychology.

i dont know wether to do psychology or business at uni. i kno u can do joint at some unis, but i wana stay at home (london) and not many places do it joint.

the thing putting me off business is that it seemz boring? like i love my business studies lessons atm and i love doin business studies work, but i dont kno if 3yrs of it and all the books uve gotta read will be too boring?

im veering towards psychology cos i find it very interesting and i think il enjoy it more than business. i thought that if i did a psychology degree i can then use that to perhaps go onto occupational psychology (which is a mix of business n psychology) or just go into something like management.

yea.. so is a business/business management degree really boring at university?


em xxxx
Reply 1
Would it matter, if the lessons are boring, turn up drunk from the night before and put a new slant on business.

I fully intend to honour that plan.
im totally in the same position as you! i really wanted to do marketing to start with, but i really enjoy psychology. So i thought why not combine them, but hardly any universities do that? so its either do business and psychology or do marketing. I really can't choose :frown: and i wanna stay at home too
Reply 3
im another person doing business studies and psychology but think im swaying more towards business, thinking of doing business management.. so many uni's to choose from though..

1 more thing y so many people want to live at home!? sure it will cost a bit but u will be missing out of the whole student life and living with new people etc..
Reply 4
if it is really boring i wont be bothered 2 work?!

i wana stay at home coz wiv the top up fees in 2006 its gona cost such a fortune 2 go 2 uni and i can get a gd education by stayin in london so y add living expenses to the costs? i dont wna pay off my debt for years 2 come!


m xxxx