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My parents are driving me crazy

i'm 18 and my sister is 19 and they treat us like little kids
we have a quarter to 12 curfue when we go out.
my dad tries to find stupid little things to irritate me and get me angry and then expects me to stay calm.
i live in cyprus and gotta go back to uni at the begginning of sept to start uni but it depends on my sisters retake when we go back. he knows we claim the house on the 5th of september and we might need to go back as early as that.
today he comes home from work and is like ive booked your driving test for the 10th of september and i got so angry. then after he saw me get angry he kept at it and my mum had to stop him and say he hasnt booked it yet. i dont understnd why he does things like that.

or like the other day he accused me and my sister of sneaking out the house and taking the car because he noticed it wsa in a differerent position to the night before. yes it wsa but my sis went to the kiosk late the night before so she could get tomatoes for my mum!

its stupid little things he does, i wish he would trust us more and lift the damn curfue, im 18 and ive finished my first year at uni... i'm away for so much of the year and he doesnt have control of me then why cant he jus let go?
what can i do?
Reply 1
i suppose the mature answer would be talk it out - which will help the long term relationship. I on the other hand have it pretty much the same, but Ive not started uni yet, so Im just wanting to get into my accomadation ASAP ... then hopefully move out sraight after uni ...
Reply 2
i suppose the mature answer would be talk it out - which will help the long term relationship. I on the other hand have it pretty much the same, but Ive not started uni yet, so Im just wanting to get into my accomadation ASAP ... then hopefully move out sraight after uni ...

oh ive tried the mature approach 3 times in the past 2 weeks and my dad is like why do u even bother. dont waste your breath im not gonna change my mind.

trust me living at uni is so good. i love being so dependant on myself. i cant move out straight after uni cos i wont have any money. i depend on my parents for evreything as i cant get a job.
so does that mean u wud hafta go back to cyprus after uni? if u apply for jobs in the UK and try and live in a shared house? Maybe take out a weekend job at uni and save up so that when you leave Uni u wud hav some sort of funds? Your father most probably wont change his ways.
Reply 4
so does that mean u wud hafta go back to cyprus after uni? if u apply for jobs in the UK and try and live in a shared house? Maybe take out a weekend job at uni and save up so that when you leave Uni u wud hav some sort of funds? Your father most probably wont change his ways.

if i dont get a job in england yes.
im def gonna apply for jobs in england after i finish uni. could go for a shared house or something will see at the time.
the problem with m getting a job is that not many people are iwlling to employ me, i go to england in sept and leave for 3 weeks in december/jan for christmas hols when my rents want me home, then i go back in jan ad leave again for a month for easter hols, and im bakc in cyprus for the whole of summer.
i should try and get a job this year and not go back to cyprus at easter and cut my hols short and tell my rents i cant get off cos i got a job....
if i dont get a job in england yes.
im def gonna apply for jobs in england after i finish uni. could go for a shared house or something will see at the time.
the problem with m getting a job is that not many people are iwlling to employ me, i go to england in sept and leave for 3 weeks in december/jan for christmas hols when my rents want me home, then i go back in jan ad leave again for a month for easter hols, and im bakc in cyprus for the whole of summer.
i should try and get a job this year and not go back to cyprus at easter and cut my hols short and tell my rents i cant get off cos i got a job....

yes, they cant argue with you because getting a job is mature and it shows that you are independant and want to make it on your own. It may even hit it home to ur father that you're not 12 anymore. I think you shud go for it :biggrin:

What the employers wud b most worried about is the travelling between cyprus and england, because you wont b steadily working for longer than a month because u wud b going to cyprus, so yes, cutting your holidays short and not going back at easter wud b best. :smile:
Reply 6
he may feel like he is losing you and his curfews may just be a way to stop the feeling. he may just want his little kids back, so he tells you all sorts of things and trying to 'run' your life like he used to. dont get me wrong i am definatly on your side its not right that you should be told what to do, in the eyes of the law you are an adult, so you should be alloud to do what you want and when. your parents probably just want thier little girls back coz they don't want the 'empty nest'!
Reply 7
yes, they cant argue with you because getting a job is mature and it shows that you are independant and want to make it on your own. It may even hit it home to ur father that you're not 12 anymore. I think you shud go for it :biggrin:

What the employers wud b most worried about is the travelling between cyprus and england, because you wont b steadily working for longer than a month because u wud b going to cyprus, so yes, cutting your holidays short and not going back at easter wud b best. :smile:

heh yeah thats my main problem with employers...
now i gotta figure out how to gte thru to my dad somehow to increase my curfue til at least 1 for the remainder of summer of im going to crack! thanx :smile:
Reply 8
trish xx
he may feel like he is losing you and his curfews may just be a way to stop the feeling. he may just want his little kids back, so he tells you all sorts of things and trying to 'run' your life like he used to. dont get me wrong i am definatly on your side its not right that you should be told what to do, in the eyes of the law you are an adult, so you should be alloud to do what you want and when. your parents probably just want thier little girls back coz they don't want the 'empty nest'!

i know its what he wants, when i was younger his arguments used to make sence but now they are crap and i always win so he never says anything.
but its not like im the youngest!i got a younger brother who is nearly 16 and is allowed to do more than me!
Reply 9
maybe he wanted a son, and now hes got one he'll allow him to do what he wants coz its what he wanted??!! i dunno just guessing here
Reply 10
trish xx
maybe he wanted a son, and now hes got one he'll allow him to do what he wants coz its what he wanted??!! i dunno just guessing here

his excuse is that its safer for guys bla bla bla. i mean my bro is allowed to date but im not! :mad:
that is tight, at least you know that your dad cares about your safety. only good thing i can think about!! but it is still wrong that he is and you aren't
Reply 12
With your curfew you need to prove that you're mature, sensible and safe. So pick an occasion when you'd like to be back later. Now, how will you get back?! It's not safe to walk at that time, so will you be driving/getting a lift/getting a taxi? If you can demonstrate firm and safe plans then your dad might be more likely to agree.

But whatever happens make sure you stick to the curfew! If you're late you won't be trusted.
Reply 13
Kriz- I know a mate who has parents like that, unfortunately I dont reckon the situation will change much until you love from home. Is that what you think could happen?
Reply 14
With your curfew you need to prove that you're mature, sensible and safe. So pick an occasion when you'd like to be back later. Now, how will you get back?! It's not safe to walk at that time, so will you be driving/getting a lift/getting a taxi? If you can demonstrate firm and safe plans then your dad might be more likely to agree.

But whatever happens make sure you stick to the curfew! If you're late you won't be trusted.

oh we've done that loads of times.
my sister drives so we take the car when we go out and stuff, we've shown them that we text our friends to make sure we are home etc its hopeless! :frown:

Kriz- I know a mate who has parents like that, unfortunately I dont reckon the situation will change much until you love from home. Is that what you think could happen?

probably, i dont know how else to get thru to my dad, my mum would be ok with it all but its my dad who is the boss and my mum follows!
the thing is i dont wanna have to leave home, i like my house :frown:
Reply 15
That really does bite bum in a big way.

Yeah and I wouldnt wnt to leave home either, you're settled there, all you need is a bit of freedom. Is Cyprus a particularly safe country? I know that in unsafe countries that may be a fair call, like if I were living in South Africa theres no way i'd be let out of hte house with my girlfriends, its too dangerous.
Reply 16
I think u should protest or strike !
Reply 17
be twice as immature and play jokes on him?
like if he says :O you took the car, when you didnt - tell him you scratched it
that would get him twice as annoyed though and wouldnt accomplish anything!