The Student Room Group

Small lump on scrotum/testes

I'm freaking out a bit - the ball sack on my penis area begun to feel a bit achey today, like a little cramp on the left side. I decided to do the check on my testicles to feel if everything is okay. My left one feels slightly more firm than my right, and towards the end I noticed a little bump that stings slightly - I hadn't noticed anything like that before or really paid any attention to that area until today, so I'm worried atm.

Other than that I feel fine - there isn't any other pain and both testicles feel similar sized and firmness. Tonight I'm gonna take some paracetamol to see if that helps at all, but I'm gonna try get a doctor app tommorow, gonna really need it.

Any advice guys?

I don't think anyone can help but the doctor, really.

And good luck mate! Hope it all turns out for the best.
Reply 2
see a doctor immediately.

hope it turns out ok.
Reply 3
"stinging" and a bump on the outside sounds like it could just be a bite or an infected hair follicle or something. But it could not be, so go along to your GP and get it looked at.
You'll need to whip it out for the Doc to have a quick fondle with. Hopefully it's nothing matey, but instinct makes us panic when things like this happen :cool:
"stinging" and a bump on the outside sounds like it could just be a bite or an infected hair follicle or something. But it could not be, so go along to your GP and get it looked at.

Let's hope so, eh?
Reply 6
Yes, please see a doctor. best wishes.
"stinging" and a bump on the outside sounds like it could just be a bite or an infected hair follicle or something. But it could not be, so go along to your GP and get it looked at.

a good test is this - hold your testicle firmly then moved the scrotal sac over it. if the position of the lump moves when you move just the sac then it is much more likely to be one of the above.
i shouldn't see any real harm in waiting a few days. if its still there then and hasnt started going, then see a doc.
Reply 8
a good test is this - hold your testicle firmly then moved the scrotal sac over it. if the position of the lump moves when you move just the sac then it is much more likely to be one of the above.
i shouldn't see any real harm in waiting a few days. if its still there then and hasnt started going, then see a doc.

Good advice - check that the lump isn't actually ATTACHED to the testicle i.e. the testicle moves freely below the lump. If this is the case - chances are it's an infection (boil or bite) or a sebaceous cyst (nothing dangerous - just annoying). However - DON'T delay in seeing your doc - he'll be glad that you were sensible enough not to waste time if you're worried. Good luck.
Reply 9
Good advice - check that the lump isn't actually ATTACHED to the testicle i.e. the testicle moves freely below the lump. If this is the case - chances are it's an infection (boil or bite) or a sebaceous cyst (nothing dangerous - just annoying). However - DON'T delay in seeing your doc - he'll be glad that you were sensible enough not to waste time if you're worried. Good luck.

if its not just a little skin thing (sebaceous gland infection etc) then get it checked by a doc. It may be embarassing, but itll be worth it.
Reply 10
u should get things like that checked out asap, they could b something or nothing but u can never b sure
Reply 11
For the love of God - Go to the Doctors!
I hope it turns out to be nothing.
Reply 12
u should get things like that checked out asap, they could b something or nothing but u can never b sure

I agree, you don't want to mess with those, you will need them later on in life to make babies!!! :biggrin:
Reply 13
My friend had a very similiar thing, he went to the doctors and it turned out just to be a cyst. According to my mum (a nurse on a cancer ward) lumps don't tend to be painful, so if yours is stinging i doubt it's cancer.

Go to the doctors though, it sounds uncomfortable and the sooner you get it checked the better. xx
My friend had a very similiar thing, he went to the doctors and it turned out just to be a cyst. According to my mum (a nurse on a cancer ward) lumps don't tend to be painful, so if yours is stinging i doubt it's cancer.

Go to the doctors though, it sounds uncomfortable and the sooner you get it checked the better. xx

Da, I had a biopsy of one, and it turned out to be benign. They took it out but luckily i didnt have to have an orchidectomy. (a ball removed, not a plant!!!!)
Reply 15
check where it is cause if its byh the tuby things that carry sperm its a cyst, but u still need to go to the doctors
Reply 16
I just got back from the doctors - was a bit weird at first but i really wanted it sorted - she checked my testicle areas and we couldn't find the lump/spot again. She said she's 99% sure that it's not anything cancerous, thank god, but i should still get a scan to check just incase. If it gets worse I've got some antibiotics but it seems okay at the moment.

Thanks for all the support and help people :smile:

Hopefully the scan will be good, it's a good start!
glad it seemingly turned out to not be a problem!

deffo better to be safe than sorry though!