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Never had a b/f

I'm 16 and I've never had a b/f. I've gone to an all-girls school for secondary school and it's 20 miles away. I don't know any boys outside school and I really don't have a clue with the whole flirting/going out thing. I am going to the local school's state sixth form in september and I don't want to act the wrong way around the opposite sex. Is anyone else in a similar situation? I would much appreciate anyone's perspective on this. Thanks :smile:

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I'm 19 and I've only ever had 1 gf, I didn't like her that much and broke up with her after 3 months. Now I'm really lonely.
Surely you have girl-friends who go out at weekends say and meet with fellas or whaever the craic may be. Just get in with them or something. Similarily, when you go to the new school it's bound to happen naturally. Anyway, being in a steady relationship at 16 is not all it's cracked up to be.
Reply 3
I'm 16 and I've never had a b/f. I've gone to an all-girls school for secondary school and it's 20 miles away. I don't know any boys outside school and I really don't have a clue with the whole flirting/going out thing. I am going to the local school's state sixth form in september and I don't want to act the wrong way around the opposite sex. Is anyone else in a similar situation? I would much appreciate anyone's perspective on this. Thanks :smile:

I've never been in this situation since i've had bf's since i was like 5 but the advice i would give you is to just act naturally, be confident and make eye contact.
Reply 4
Hey don't worry! There'll be other nice girls! I know how you feel though. I see all my mates going out with random boys from other random schools and I just think "god, I'd rather be single till I die than end up with one of them!" I hope this changes for me in 6th form... I just don't want to make an idiot out of myself not knowing how to act around guys. This is the sort of thing you grow up learning, well if you go to an all girls school you're denied the opportunity. Ah well. Keep the comments coming people! :rolleyes:
Reply 5
Throw yourself in at the deep end. Find an attractive guy at your new school, find out if he has a gf, if not, then go up and if you are nervous about the old chit chat, then just introduce yourself and ask him out. Chances of him saying yes are very high. Then you have a date and you can probably be introduced to all his friends, so thats male friends for you, and your social circle will enlarge rapidly.
I'm 19 and I've only ever had 1 gf, I didn't like her that much and broke up with her after 3 months. Now I'm really lonely.

Yeah you see that's why I wouldn't really consider breaking up with my GF because although I am not head over heels I know I'd miss her if she was gone, ya no.
You're lucky- become a lesbian, women have far better taste.
Reply 8
16 is not young at all, but the only problem is when you're 16 you think you know it all and you think you're an adult. If you're still single by the time you're 32 start worrying.
I didnt have my first bf till i was sixteen (and a half) same thing, was at an all girls and didnt have a brill social life, but you kinda jsut have an instinct of how to be with blokes i guess. It can be hard to begin with, you just learn to let it all go! Spend time over the summer going to random parties maybe, meet guys you wont see again to make a fool of yourself in front of maybe, less shame that way. lol.
Reply 10
I didn't have a boyfriend until I was 18. It's definitely worth waiting for something really worthwhile.
I've just finished my AS levels at a mixed college; previously went to an all girls' school withe a corresponding boys' school for 5 years, so I know where you're coming from.

Firstly, don't worry and think you're the only one or anything like that, because I found that while half my friends went boy mad and dated anything in sight (mostly not til they were 16ish though), the other half remained very shy around boys and didn't meet anyone they liked enough. The dangerous thing isn't not having a boyfriend at 16, it's saying yes to anyone who asks you because you feel left out. A lot of my friends did that then realised they weren't ready and didn't really like the guy, so dumped them the next day :rolleyes:

When I came here I found it hard to interact with guys because I wasn't used to seeing them on a daily basis - I'd made friends with guys and everything at high school but only in the context of going out and parties. But trust me, you get used to it really fast! & it's not just being at an all girls' school that makes finding guys you geniunely like enough to go out with difficult - there's also the fact that a lot of them mature at half the rate of girls :p:
Reply 12
I'm 17 and a half and I've never had a boyfriend. I've got boy friends, but none of them seem to fancy me :frown:

Don't worry about not having a doesn't make you a freak or anything! Besides it'll be more special when you get one when you're older :smile: My one word of advice is when you go to the mixed sixth form, don't try and flirt with the boys and act like someone you're not - you won't be able to keep the act up and you will be found out and you will just feel silly. Be yourself - they will love you for it. If you're not a confident flirter, don't be fazed by all the girls who have a nack for it and seem to be able to wind guys around their little fingers - guys who go for really flirty girls aren't worth going out with anyway :biggrin:
Reply 13
I've been in your shoes. I was in a girls' school for like ever and I went through stages of being desperate because I had never had a bf before. I didn't even have guy friends at the time. All the guys I know now are from my uni. My advice to you is: just be yourself. Guys are just people. You'll get used to them as time goes by :wink:

I didn't have my first bf til I was 19, so you are by no means late or anything. Now I'd rather wait for the right one to come along than go out with some random guy :smile:
Reply 14
I'm 19 and I've only ever had 1 gf, I didn't like her that much and broke up with her after 3 months. Now I'm really lonely.

Lonely? Join the HUGE club, though I wouln't say I have gone out with someone I didn't like.
I didn't have any boyfriends between the ages of 11 and 16 as i went to an all girls school. I thought it would be really difficult getting used to having boys around on a daily basis agin but it really wasn't. It may have been slightly different for me seeing as the first boy i met properly was gay. But its really not hard getting used to having the boys around and your sure to find peopel thee who will fancy you. The thing about having been at an all girls school is the boys love the innocence of it.
I'm 16 and I've never had a b/f. I've gone to an all-girls school for secondary school and it's 20 miles away. I don't know any boys outside school and I really don't have a clue with the whole flirting/going out thing. I am going to the local school's state sixth form in september and I don't want to act the wrong way around the opposite sex. Is anyone else in a similar situation? I would much appreciate anyone's perspective on this. Thanks :smile:

Huh!!! ur just 16!!!!!!! it is nothing!!! Tell me why u want to have a BF? just coz? to look cool? coz everybody has him?
U know I got my first BF when I finishing my school, I was pretty and there were some boys wanted to date me, but I was waiting for smth special, like in sex and the city I was waiting for Zha zha zhu ...after I got 1st Bf I started to have lots of them, and then I met him! the only one, who was my 1st man! we are together for last 2 years, and I am really happy with him!!! So, it is all just a question of time, and you don't hurry to get a bf when it is time you will get him, and in ur new school dont try to behave in some way so people will like you coz it will be not u but fake! Be urself and ppl will like u for that!!!
p.s. My cousin, who is 23 has lots of admires but never had a BF, she is in love with one guy and wating for him!!! so it is pretty ormal when ur not dating at 16 righty? :top:
:dancing2: :marchmell :marchmell :marchmell :dancing2:
Reply 17
Heres a few tips when you are around boys:
a. be natural
b. think of boys as completely the opposite of girls (i mean the way we act and all that stuff)
c. OBSERVE boys more closely and learn how to interact
d. You decide =]

Lol crappy things, but those are just my thoughts. I know you have a Dad, but believe me, your dad is very different from the boys at school. LOL.

Oh boy, im talking crap now
Reply 18
I naturally attract girls, Its in da genes.

A new gf for every year :wink: :rolleyes:
Reply 19
Don't worry about how to behave around guys. My two closest friends are guys and I have much more fun and, strangely, much more in common with them than any of my girlfriends. They're not as different to girls as you might think, and I've found that many of them don't bitch and gossip like girls do. My advice would be to just act like you would around girls (but maybe hold back on talking about fashion and stuff!) :smile: