With all this ID card thing going on it reminds me that Tony Blair might actually be the Antichrist or at best be the lap dog of the antichrist. In the Bible it describes a mark that is branded onto each persons hand (or forehead if they have no hands) which they need to have in order to buy and sell goods and servives. It also says that the Antichrist will have a false prophet (Bush being the Antichrist with Blair being his false prophet). There is also mention in the book of Daniel of a lion with eagles wings, which may represent America (the eagle) and Britain (the lion).
So by process of speculation, conjecture and mild hysteria I believe that the ID cards will be followed by a silicon chip to be implanted beneath the skin, and the silicon chip being followed by the mark of the beast 666, thus proving Bush/Blair are colluding to bring forth the Armegeddon/End Of Days/EOTWAWKI.