The Student Room Group

Growing Apart

Hey, I'm just generally feeling down atm (oh the joys of being a teenager :biggrin: ) but it's not helped by the fact that all of a sudden a really close friend and myself have grown apart. We've been friends for quite a while, we have a lot in common etc etc, but during this week we've just, well I dunno, had enough of each other? He's always been a great friend, and still is (as I hopefully am to him!) but I don't want to just think 'Oh well that's it, we're not as good friends as I thought,' cos it would be a shame to drift apart.

Is that babble? Anyway, glad I got that out of my system. Not many of my friends get it cos they don't understand us just being friends ^o)

Ciao x
Reply 1
Hey, I'm just generally feeling down atm (oh the joys of being a teenager :biggrin: ) but it's not helped by the fact that all of a sudden a really close friend and myself have grown apart. We've been friends for quite a while, we have a lot in common etc etc, but during this week we've just, well I dunno, had enough of each other? He's always been a great friend, and still is (as I hopefully am to him!) but I don't want to just think 'Oh well that's it, we're not as good friends as I thought,' cos it would be a shame to drift apart.

Is that babble? Anyway, glad I got that out of my system. Not many of my friends get it cos they don't understand us just being friends ^o)

Ciao x

maybe just try giving each other a bit of space and some time apart...probably you'll both miss each other and it'll be fine again. however sometimes people do just change and grow apart and slowly see less of each other, but you'll still be there if you need each other. if it's only happened over hte last week, though, i imagine you'll sort it out :wink:
Reply 2
Yeah, give it some space and then make plans to do something together that you both used to enjoy, maybe you'll be reminded of what made you friends in the first place :smile:
Reply 3
Sometimes if you spend a lot of time with someone it can get a little suffocating. If it's only been feeling like that for the past week I'd say you just need to spend a little time apart, it's when it feels like that over a few months that friends grow apart. I had the same thing happen myself... hope it goes back to normal soon. :smile:
Reply 4
Hey, I'm just generally feeling down atm (oh the joys of being a teenager :biggrin: ) but it's not helped by the fact that all of a sudden a really close friend and myself have grown apart. We've been friends for quite a while, we have a lot in common etc etc, but during this week we've just, well I dunno, had enough of each other? He's always been a great friend, and still is (as I hopefully am to him!) but I don't want to just think 'Oh well that's it, we're not as good friends as I thought,' cos it would be a shame to drift apart.

Is that babble? Anyway, glad I got that out of my system. Not many of my friends get it cos they don't understand us just being friends ^o)

Ciao x

It definitely isn't babble, don't worry! I'm not just saying this, but I am in the exact same situation at the moment, except the really close friend in question is a girl. I feel like we are drifting apart, and so we never tell each other anything, and the fact that we are in the same tutor class as well as in half of the same lessons has given quite a suffocating air to our friendship. Anyway, a mutual friend has told me that she feels the same way about me, and at the moment, well, our friendship has cooled.

What I'm trying to say, although not very clearly, is that a) you are not the only one b) your friend probably feels the same way - if you're that close, call it intuition and c) some time apart may be've got a whole summer holiday ahead of you, if things aren't so great between you, maybe meet up sometime through?