The Student Room Group

I'm so scared of learning to drive!

Ahh! I'm sure I'm not normal, most people can't wait to get started when they turn 17! I'm 18 and have put off driving lessons for a year and a half, until now...

I've done loads of research and chosen a company etc and just filled in an online form. It now says they're gonna phone me soon to arrange lessons with a local instructor but I'm so worried lol! I mean, what if I crash?! What if I hate my instructor? What if I am rubbish, give up and never learn to drive!? :eek: I'll probably end up having to have a big break as well as I doubt I'll be able to get a test passed before uni starts in late September.

Oh yeah, and what is the first lesson like? I know NOTHING, not even how to start a car :biggrin: I hate not knowing stuff and am worried I'll be a slow learner.

How long does it take to learn theory stuff? What are the best books, CD-roms etc? :smile:

Gah, listen to me!! I'm such an OTT worrier :frown:

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oh and can u imagine how I am sceraed, I am Russian and I drove a car home, when I tryed to do it here (UK) I almost crushed, coz it is a left hand driving and I cant get used to that...I am totaly lost and confused...I am so afraid to drive here and I think never will :hmmmm2:
first lesson will be nice and simple... you will probally start by looking at the fundamental things in driving a car... clutch, handbrake, accelerator, anything else..... you will probally also get to drive around an empty car park.

My first driving lesson consisted of 10 mins of theory, 20mins on the empty prom, and 30 mins on a busy road (he said i was ready :confused: )
Reply 3
If you hate your instructor change. i went through 4 before I found the one for me.

Just keep trying it took me 5 yrs (not continuously) to pass but I managed it.

If you are nervous ask them to take you somewhere quiet like an industrial estate to start with you don't want to be doing the dual carriageway on your first lesson.
Reply 4
My first idiot instructor made me drive along the main roads on my first lesson and then was on her mobile phone and I had to get across the busiest roundabout in my area on my own :eek: like an idiot I stuck with her for a few more lessons.

Ask your instructor to go somewhere nice and quiet to get to learn what you are doing.
only take 1 or 2 lessons with the instructor. if you dont get on well then go with someone else, if you do get on with them, then get more lessons
Reply 6
Ahh! I'm sure I'm not normal, most people can't wait to get started when they turn 17! I'm 18 and have put off driving lessons for a year and a half, until now... :frown:

Aaaww hun, don't be! Driving is not that bad!! Once you get the hang of it, you'll do great!!! The theory is not hard at all and honestly very easy!! :biggrin:

I went with BSM (expensive but very good and proffessional) and I passed after 6 months! :biggrin:

Good luck and I'm sure you'll do great!!! :biggrin:
Reply 7
Don't worry about it! I didn't know anything about driving before my first lesson (a month ago) and I'm really enjoying it! I havn't crashed yet either!! :biggrin:

With regard to the theory test, my instructor told me just to learn all the answers to the questions in the question bank.

I'm not sure if you'd be able to pass by September. Depends on how many lessons a week you have and what other practice you get.

All the best! :smile:
im terrified !!


but then i don't plan on bothering with driving for a while yet.

no point literaly.

i bus it every were... very conveniant
Reply 9
Don't worry about it! I didn't know anything about driving before my first lesson (a month ago) and I'm really enjoying it! I havn't crashed yet either!! :biggrin:
All the best! :smile:

:cool:, thanks. :smile: How many lessons have you had?
Brown Eyed Girl

i bus it every were... very conveniant

yes. very conveniant. especially when you need to get to work 15 miles away and have 2 toolboxes (not light either). and sometimes i fill my car with gear. im sure i would be allowed on busses with that amount of stuff...
Ahh! I'm sure I'm not normal, most people can't wait to get started when they turn 17! I'm 18 and have put off driving lessons for a year and a half, until now...
Gah, listen to me!! I'm such an OTT worrier :frown:

Don't worry I'm like that too, will be 18 soon and am seriously scared, though very excited, to start driving... especially considering my coordination skills are severely lacking :frown:
Reply 12
Take a deep breathe hehe.

The car will be dual controlled and your instructor will be qualified enough not to put you in any danger.

You will get told how to do everything. I was clueless too, don't worry.

Don't feel like you have to pass quickly. It took me from July to January. Some people I know passed in 2 weeks.

On your first lesson you will be driven somewhere quiet and taught what the controls are and stuff like that. Then you will probably get to do a bit of driving. Don't expect miracles as it is hard at first, stalling is likely.

As for the theory, the best thing I used was a CD rom. But make sure it has the hazard perception part on as well.

Good luck x
Reply 13
I am scared too actually! I know I'm gonna be terrible and will crash :frown:. Ah well...

Dont go near BSM and AA and the likes, they charge far too much. All driving instructors are qualified to the same standards. Whether its BSM makes no difference at all to the quality of the instructor-- this depends on the person him/herself entirely. In fact, going with an indepent company, you may find better service as they need word-of-mouth to continue to succeed in their business, rather than a big name that sells itself.
I went with a local chap who was excellent. In general, I would avoid the big names they charge more and dont offer anything extra for it.

As far as your first lesson is concerned, your instructor will only take you down quiet roads and maybe a couple of main roads with close supervision (remember they have dual controls!). Most, if not all of the roads, will be 30mph. Most of the time will be spent on starting the car, finding biting point, moving off, gear change, steering etc

I didnt even know what a clutch was before i started my lessons, or which peddle did what so don't worry, this is NORMAL! Everyone is nervous on their first lesson, you're instructor won't make you do things you're not capable of. If you're unsure, ask and repeat.
BSM are absolute rubbish, i failed my first test because of them and they made me drive their car wen i was used to my mini. Anyway, my other instructor was rele nice and let me have lessons in my car and did the test in my car and passed after i had been driving 2 1/2 months. I would say go for someone private and not a big company. BSM train driving instructors so you probably wont get one that is experienced as they move from BSM once they have had practice. I dont know bout AA but i would say private ppl are ur best bet and their rates are usually lower. Have fun and dont be scared!
Reply 16
Oh my, if the instructor will piss me off, im gonna hit the gas pedal and zoom through the road at 120mph and give a him a few tricks. I dont care if he's gonna fail me or i get banned as long as i get the piss of him I would have a smile on my face.
Reply 17
I learnt with BSM and they were brilliant, my instructor was really nice and helpful and the people in the BSM office were really good about arranging lessons and if I ever had to cancel a lesson and everything. And the car was pretty good to learn in (though I practised all the time in mine, so I found that easier to drive).
I was terrified when I started too, I think most people are! Your instructor will start you off really slowly and will never try to make you do something you're not ready for. If you don't get on with him you can always change instructor (another good thing about BSM!), eventually you'll find one you like.
Reply 18
Ahh! I'm sure I'm not normal, most people can't wait to get started when they turn 17! I'm 18 and have put off driving lessons for a year and a half, until now...

Oh yeah, and what is the first lesson like? I know NOTHING, not even how to start a car :biggrin: I hate not knowing stuff and am worried I'll be a slow learner.

Hey, if you dont feel up 2 it just at the moment, then theres no need to rush. I've just recently passed my test, and to be honest, i think the best thing to do is get the theory exam over and done with ASAP(even b4 u get into a car). Best way 2 pass ur theory is 2 get the CD-ROM, any1 will do, but make sure its got some hazard perception training cos u'll need to get used to it 4 a while. If u do that, the theory will be really straight forward, cos the questions on the CD, are the exact same as the ones in the exam :smile:

As for when you actually start learning in a car, i found the best thing to do is start driving wiv your mum or dad or a friend, simply getting used to the functions of the car. After this, i think you should then go with a qualified drivong instructer, who will basically iron out any faults or habbits that you have. Then i suggest booking for you test ASAP, always calling the DVLA for cancelations, to bring forward your test. Then you can take your test and RELAX :cool:

To be quite honest, i found driving really hard at the beginning, but all you have to do is get into the car and start practicing, cos this is the only way you are going to improve. I did all this and passed within 3 months of 1st stepping into a car.

If you've got any q's, email me anytime at [email protected]

Take Care...Cya :biggrin:
Reply 19
As am i, hence not booking lessons until new year prob, whereas my friends will eager to drive and will start as soon as they hit 17.