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I've got mumps, and it's very nasty. It's probably the worst disease I've ever had, at least when I had glandular fever I was so out of it I didn't notice the pain! :redface:
Has anyone had it? and if they have how long does it take for the swelling to go down, any tips to handle the pain, any random information? :argh:

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Reply 1
Sorry i have no idea, i have so far *touch wood* never had them, and i hope i never get them! Have you tried googling it, that might come up with some of the information you need
Reply 2
Sorry i have no idea, i have so far *touch wood* never had them, and i hope i never get them! Have you tried googling it, that might come up with some of the information you need

Yeah I have, they just give you the usual stuff, what it looks like, see a doctor etc. I wanna know about people's experiences really...
Reply 3
Hmm i have no idea then, sorry i couldn't be any more help! I hope they go away soon. :redface:
Reply 4
I had mumps when I was little, after I had the MMR (and shortly followed by measles and rubella...) but don't remember, sorry.

My GP has written to everyone 15-25 in his practice to get us to come in for a mumps vaccination, because apparently it's going round at the moment. I haven't made an appointment yet :redface:
Reply 5
I had mumps when I was little, after I had the MMR (and shortly followed by measles and rubella...) but don't remember, sorry.

My GP has written to everyone 15-25 in his practice to get us to come in for a mumps vaccination, because apparently it's going round at the moment. I haven't made an appointment yet :redface:

I'd make it if I were you - this is waaaay nasty.

If you had it though when you were young I think you're immune...
yeah i had it about a month ago, its not nice!
my sweeling continued to get bigger for 6 days but most people i know that have had it swelled and de-swelled in that time!
hope you're feeling better soon and not getting too fed up at being stuck inside (that was the worst bit for me!) :smile:
Reply 7
I think I had it this March - it was horribly painful to eat. But the swelling went down after about 5 days which I thought was quite quick.
Reply 8
I hope the swelling does go down soon... It's really painful and I feel really ugly :bawling:
The staying inside is bad, but my bro is really delicate so I have to avoid him too - so it's kind of doubly difficult. 5 days... well I've had it for bout 2 and a half now so I hope to god it is 5...
Reply 9
Did you have the MMR vaccine? :rolleyes:
Reply 10
Did you have the MMR vaccine? :rolleyes:

Yeah I had it when I was a kid but my immune system is really low, and apparently the MMR is only really accurate if you have had the booster, and they're only just starting to give that to people.
Reply 11
Yeah I had it when I was a kid but my immune system is really low, and apparently the MMR is only really accurate if you have had the booster, and they're only just starting to give that to people.

I see, I remember I used to get all sorts of pains and infections etc, when I was young, but its all well now. Except for my acheing Knee... Oouch.
Reply 12
I've got mumps, and it's very nasty. It's probably the worst disease I've ever had, at least when I had glandular fever I was so out of it I didn't notice the pain! :redface:
Has anyone had it? and if they have how long does it take for the swelling to go down, any tips to handle the pain, any random information? :argh:

Go have a look may be of some help. :wink:
Reply 13
Go have a look may be of some help. :wink:

thanks, i've read a few things like that, i liked the bit about close contact though - hopefully if i stay away from my brother he shouldn't get it.
Reply 14
I had it a couple of months ago. Not nice, I sympathise lots. I found it really really hard to eat: I recommend cream of tomato soup - no lumps AT ALL. Fantastic. And don't drink fruit juices: very painful!

Mine took about a week and a half to go from a tiny lump that i could only just notice and back again. Took quite a while for that last bit to go though. Have you had your most painful day yet? Everyone has one a few days into the swelling. I recommend lots of aspirin/nurofen taken as regularly as possible for that day. And probably sleeping pills...

If anyone hasn't had the jab, GET IT. My doc didn't have enough doses to go around so priority went to small children.
Reply 15
a mate recently had it i felt so sorry for him...
Reply 16
Had it, it's quite grim. Get a blanket and wrap it around your head pressing on ur swollen does actually help. Try and keep eating, soup and stuff and just soft pasta things that don't hurt when you chew.

For most of my mump period I was asleep..I reckon about 16hrs a day and my swlling went down in about 6 days.
Reply 17
Thanks so far people! I'm hearing good things - I'm really hoping that I only have the swelling for a few days like some of you. I think the second side is bigger now than the 1st, does that mean that it's peaked?
Yesterday was really painful, and the I think the day before was too... Whats really annoying me isnt eating its laughing - I couldn't watch the Vicar of Dibley last night coz laughing hurt too much :bawling:
Reply 18
Oh dear, isn't mumps the one which can sterilise guys???

Luckily, I have had about five vaccinations for mumps in my time. So hopefully i am completely safe!!
Reply 19
Oh dear, isn't mumps the one which can sterilise guys???

Luckily, I have had about five vaccinations for mumps in my time. So hopefully i am completely safe!!

Indeed it can, thats why I have to avoid my brother! Iw wish I'd had 5 vaccinations, then I'd be able to go outside :bawling: