The Student Room Group
Yes, Its called lust.
Reply 2
Yeah, it's the whole point of one night stands.
Reply 3
Yeah, it's the whole point of one night stands.

argument closed on that really!

-and wicked my thread started a new one! :rolleyes:
Reply 4
But how many one night stands with the same person before it becomes more?!
Reply 5
But how many one night stands with the same person before it becomes more?!

now theres a question.

ok so therefore whats the difference between one night stnads and FWB! ???
Reply 6
If you have a one night stand its physical, but if you sleep with them again an it's far more passionate...?!

*this is bugging me at the moment!!*
Reply 7
If you have a one night stand its physical, but if you sleep with them again an it's far more passionate...?!

*this is bugging me at the moment!!*


i'm not sure, it depnds on the people and the circumstances surely...
But how many one night stands with the same person before it becomes more?!

If you do it with the same person it completely defeats the point of one night stands, hence the name ONE NIGHT stand.If you do it more than once its more the one night it might as well be called a two night stand or a three night stand, and anymore than that can be called a f*** buddy.
Reply 9
HAHA good point...
I think we shall stick with ONS or FB (none of this 2night/3night stand stuff)

But can ONS/FB's turn into more? I was chatting to a mate who said his one nights stands weren't really passionate or caring, quite literally go in, do the duty and goodbye. Mine weren't like that at all....
If you do it with the same person it completely defeats the point of one night stands, hence the name ONE NIGHT stand.If you do it more than once its more the one night it might as well be called a two night stand or a three night stand, and anymore than that can be called a f*** buddy.

excactli **** buddy is the same as FWB . that's the arrangement we sorta have, n we're both ok with it,
excactli **** buddy is the same as FWB . that's the arrangement we sorta have, n we're both ok with it,

What's the W for?
What's the W for?

friends with benefits :biggrin:

sounds a lot nicer than **** BUDDY!