The Student Room Group

What's the most interesting experience you've ever had?

I was asked this question and I didn't know. Now that I've thought about it for a while, I realised it has my experiences when I've lived in foreign countries, but all I could think of at the time were stupid things like the time I stopped breathing when I was asleep and then I woke up suddenly. (:eek: )

I'm sure there are people on here who have helped deaf orphans in Nicaragua or something like that, but what are everybody's most interesting experiences?

Edit: A lot of people have said drugs. I might have said that 48 hour bender too if this question wasn't asked in an interview. :hmmm:

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Flying, it's so addictive.
Reply 2
I'm not the most interesting person on the planet by a very long way.

But, I went to see U2 in concert at Wembley. That was interesting. Also visited Australia for 2 weeks and to me that was interesting. Often, interest is in the eye of the beholder :wink:
Reply 3
working in America over the summer at a special needs camp - nothing will ever compare to that.
Meh. Taking acid probably.
my first femal encounter :wink:
Drugs combined with sleep deprivation.
Reply 7
I've been told that my whole life is like an interesting story that should be made into a novel.

I guess that to me, though, it would have to be my day at Discovery Cove in Florida. Magical, and a unique experience that I wish I could have again.
Reply 8
Glastonbury Festival.

Drugs combined with sleep deprivation.

Oh sorry, you got there first :smile:
Reply 9
flying, after that probably being surrounded by a couple of chavs, i havent had this much fun in time
Reply 10
Going to Lourdes as a guide for the disabled as a non-catholic last summer, or anything from these past few months travelling NZ alone!
Reply 11
LSD, by far.
Working for the Summer at Walt Disney World in Florida.

Oh yeah.
I once got stalked by this 20 year old in a Dubai Waterpark?

I was like 10 at the time........ :unsure:

EDIT: Nearly fell of the great wall. Took home a jellyfish i found in an australian beach (it sort of melted in two days). Met Philip Pullman (letdown majorly). Don't know where they go...
work experience in week ivve ever far.. lots of good moments
Reply 15
Jumping off a waterfall in Tanzania... was truly exhillerating and amazing. In fact that whole trip was :smile:
Food poisoning in Dubai :holmes:
Reply 17
I've had quite a few interesting experiences. One of my favourite has to be working at a school in India. It was in a little village which had no electricity most of the time, toilets which we had to squat to sit on and lizards and insects everywhere. It brings everything into perspective living there for a while. Hair straighteners and designer handbags mean nothing in that world.

Another experience that will always live with me for the rest of my life probably not for the right reasons is when I got stuck with a bunch of other people in a storm. It was a hell of a long journey (7 hours) and our little van was driving in the dark on a mountainous area with steep drops everywhere. I literally thought that I was going to die as did everyone else. The driver couldn’t even see where he was going as there was so much rain but couldn’t stop as was too dangerous.
I've had quite a few interesting experiences. One of my favourite has to be working at a school in India. It was in a little village which had no electricity most of the time, toilets which we had to squat to sit on and lizards and insects everywhere. It brings everything into perspective living there for a while. Hair straighteners and designer handbags mean nothing in that world.

Another experience that will always live with me for the rest of my life probably not for the right reasons is when I got stuck with a bunch of other people in a storm. It was a hell of a long journey (7 hours) and our little van was driving in the dark on a mountainous area with steep drops everywhere. I literally thought that I was going to die as did everyone else. The driver couldn’t even see where he was going as there was so much rain but couldn’t stop as was too dangerous.

Oh do shut up.
I couldn't just pick one, so I'm going to cheat slightly.

Travelling round the world with my boyfriend - India, southeast Asia, Australia, Fiji, New Zealand and South America. A 9 month long series of interesting experiences, in one overall experience :wink: