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Reply 1
How significant are the amount of kisses you put at the end of a text/facebook message? There's a girl who my boyfriend was good friends with before we met, and they had pulled on a couple of occasions too. When he texts her he puts three kisses at the end, and occasionally four. To guys he never puts any. And to girls who he's friends with (but aren't particularly attractive) he seems to only put one or two. Do you think this means he likes her?

I would go with a no. Although I wouldn't like to call you paranoid, I would suggest that you don't let this go any further than what it is now. If you have some more evidence then sure worry but perhaps this is just something they do as friends or otherwise.

Thats my view and I may be wrong but I hope it gives you another way of looking at the situations.

Reply 2
I wouldn't say so. I for example tend to just reciprocate the amount of xs the other person likes to put. If they put three, I'll put three at the end, I don't know why it's just a subconscious thing I realised when I thought hard about it. The only exception to this is, occasionally you'll get some people (esp boys) who never put any xs, maybe cos they're not used to doing it to their male friends, and I still always put at least one just for courtesey, even if they don't put any at all.

So to sum up, no, it might be that she always puts that number so he is just being polite and doing it without thinking. If he does like her I doubt that is going to be the only sign.
Reply 3
I've got my own little order (sad I know). Girlfriend gets 5, good friends (girls obviously, don't wanna freak out the boys :smile:) get 3 and other people get 1. Doesn't mean anything really, I don't even know why I do it.
Reply 4
I give everyone a lil kiss at the end of my texts :biggrin:...2 if it's their birthday.
...4 sounds a little bit excessive but I wouldn't think anything of it tbh.
Reply 5
(Of course a straight guy doesn't put kisses to other guys?)

It's completely impossible to tell by this, there really is nothing in it. You'd be miles better off trying to judge by real life body language.
Oh goodness what has TSR come to.
To people like family and to my maste I put one kiss on the end, to girls I usually put two. To people like my football coach and boss I don't put any, of course :p:
I give everyone a lil kiss at the end of my texts :biggrin:...2 if it's their birthday.
...4 sounds a little bit excessive but I wouldn't think anything of it tbh.

I put 8 to someone once, got what I deserved because it overflowed onto two texts and cost me another 10p. :'(
Reply 9
my boyfriend and best friend get 3, everyone else gets one :smile:
(Of course a straight guy doesn't put kisses to other guys?)

It's completely impossible to tell by this, there really is nothing in it. You'd be miles better off trying to judge by real life body language.

I put one at the end of texts to my male friends, always have done. Unless im excited, or happy about something then il put alot. They reciprocate. Does that mean you think me and all my male friends are gay?

My gf gets four, my other friends who are girls get 2 or 3.
Reply 11
I don't put any kisses because people always get the wrong idea but I used to because all I wanted to make the text look pretty. It's really annoying when someone is sending you a text or IM where they're telling you off then put a kiss at the end of it, the kisses are just so fake.
Reply 12
Everyone seems to have this down to an exact science
Reply 13
To girl's I barely know = 1
Friends = 2
Good friend's = 3
Best friend who is a girl (had to word that right haha :p:) lyl and then 3-4

But were just friends, so it dosn't really mean anything.
I don't really analyse olther people's since you only have to look at this thread to appreciate that everybody does it differently :h:

To my boyfriend it's none or one during the day, but a goodnight text will have a couple of lines of x's.
Acquaintences get one, adults get none.
To most friends its two to three x's, one besty gets 5/6 and the other gets this symbol thing (in jokez lol :mmm:)
(Of course a straight guy doesn't put kisses to other guys?)

oh i disagree xxx
Reply 16
(Of course a straight guy doesn't put kisses to other guys?)

I don't agree with this... its perfectly acceptable to do it to one of your best mates. Fair enough though, I wouldn't put it to any old guy, just my close group of guy mates.

On the wider topic... who really cares, its something you worry about when you're in your early teens. North Americans regularly send messages to mates without x's at the end so why do we feel the need to?
It's fairly random, I pretty much put them in all texts. Sometimes I forget and get asked "where's my kiss?!" because people think you are being funny if you don't!
Reply 18
Varies from one to three. With my boyfriend we both give each other between one and seven.

One of my friends texted at least five lines of kisses to her boyfriend :| must have had unlimited texts...
Reply 19

One of my friends texted at least five lines of kisses to her boyfriend :| must have had unlimited texts...

I used to do this with a g/f... just nothing but xxxxxxxxxxxxx in the text?