The Student Room Group

Bleeding Gums

For the past few weeks I have noticed that after I brush my teeth, my gums bleed.

Now they aren't painful, but when they bleed it takes a while for them to stop. I thought it was only in one area, but I have discovered that whenever I put pressure on my gums they bleed. In one area there is like a white film round the bottom of my gums.

I'm worried because I hear this could really affect my teeth in later life. I have booked a dentist appointment, but it's not until the 19th July, so I have a bit to wait yet.

I don't know what to do from now until then. I dread brushing my teeth because of it. I use an electric toothbrush, but I plan to stop using that and go and buy a soft toothbrush later on.

Does anyone else have any advice you could give me. I'm getting extremely paranoid I'm going to be toothless before I reach my twenties.

Thanks x

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Reply 1
The same happens to need a softer toothbrush and just take a more gentle approach when brushing. You can use a gum repairing gel to help. x x x
i had that as well.
u need to floss... bleeding inflamed gums is due to a thin layer of plaque (the white film possibly)
jst make sure that u clean ur teeth thoroughly, dont b hesistant. If they start bleeding again dont stop, really clean them.
Reply 3 dentist told me the complete opposite! The gel he reccomended is called Gingigel....or something along those lines. Don't use Bonjela or any other gel that numbs. x x x
Reply 4
i think your gums are sensitive-- you might be brushing too hard, or you may be brushing the wrong way and it's ruining your gum line. best thing to do is use a softer brush/mouth wash until you see the dentist and see if it helps any
Reply 5

Also, do you floss your teeth every day?
Reply 6
I don't floss.....have no need to seeing as I have gaps in all my teeth. My gums stopped bleeding when brushing as soon as I switched to a softer brush. x x x
Reply 7
I don't floss.....have no need to seeing as I have gaps in all my teeth. My gums stopped bleeding when brushing as soon as I switched to a softer brush. x x x

Really?? My gums used to bleed a lot but as soon as I started flossing the bleeding stopped.

Guess will have to leave it to the dentist...
Reply 8
You should floss even if you dont have gaps. And if your gums are bleeding start using corsodyl.
Reply 9
My gaps are so big, there really is no point!
Reply 10
You dont floss for the sake of your teeth but for the gums. You take to floss just below the gum line.
Reply 11
try rinsing ur mouth out with cold water. that should limit the flow of blood in ur gums. works for me anyway :top:
Reply 12
Thanks for the advice guys.

I've just been to the chemist and bought their own brand sensitive toothpaste, which I'm using, and will rub into sore spots on my gums also. I also got a sensitive toothbrush, which is really soft and some mouthwash which is supposed to prevent this, and treat it.

I just brushed my teeth and they started bleeding, but I was being really gentle, it's just any pressure and it sets off the bleeding.

So I will try this for two weeks and see if it helps. I have an appointment now anyway, so I will see what the dentist says.

As for flossing, I've never done it in my life. What I have noticed though is I do get a lot of plaque, and sometimes like a film on my teeth. I assume this could be why my gums are bleeding.

Anyway thanks again, didn't expect such a high response. Glad to know I'm not the only one who suffers from this.

EDIT: The mouthwash I have bought is Corsodyl.
Reply 13
You'll be like Bleeding Gums Murphy!
You'll be like Bleeding Gums Murphy!

classic :biggrin:
Reply 15
Heed the instructions on the back of corsodyl I got some staining cause I drank tea afterwards.
Reply 16
You'll be like Bleeding Gums Murphy!


Heed the instructions on the back of corsodyl I got some staining cause I drank tea afterwards.

Oooh dear. Was this permanent?

I just had some Diet Coke. Probably not the best thing to drink, but the water around here isn't very nice.

Should I expect my teeth to turn a nice colour now then?
Reply 17

Oooh dear. Was this permanent?

I just had some Diet Coke. Probably not the best thing to drink, but the water around here isn't very nice.

Should I expect my teeth to turn a nice colour now then?

Its not permanent, it'll disappear after a polish with the hygenist. It'll be the plaque not your toothbrush causing your gum bleeding. My boyfriend has the same problems but its gone now he has a routine of flossing and brushing.
Reply 18
My gums also bleed, but not as much as yours by the sounds of it. About 50% of the time I reckon. I went to the dentist, who told me I might have the beginnings of gum disease, and I now have to see the hygeinist next week. :hmpf: I was told to floss but I didnt (cos I hate it) and I bet she is going to yell at me. My hygeinist has a reputation!
Reply 19
I think I'll just have to see what my dentist has to say. Although he is pretty useless to say the least.