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Reply 1
I normally shave once a week when it starts to get a little long, but when i shave i have some sports where the hair was, should i shave more often and is it the hair that gives me the spots?


I used to get the same problem, is it like a rash or is it like proper white head spots?

It could be small ingrowing hairs, i found that using king of shaves gel helped as opposed to foam.

If it is a rash it could be the gel/foam you are using, try using a aloe/tea tree gel.

If its white head spots, i'm not sure what it could be but i don't think shaving any more or less will affect it. Try washing your face more often.
Reply 2
use a shaving brush, soap and hot water to soften the bristles when u shave. this should decrease the chance of ingrowing hairs.
Reply 3
use a shaving brush, soap and hot water to soften the bristles when u shave. this should decrease the chance of ingrowing hairs.

Oh yeah, use hot water when you shave. Bad idea to use cold water.

Warm water softens the bristles and also opens the pores on your face to allow a closer shave.
Reply 4
i dry shave, just because i can see what i am doing, bad idea?
Reply 5
i dry shave, just because i can see what i am doing, bad idea?

Hell yeah bad idea. That will be why you are getting spots mate. With gel you can still see what you are doing and also if you wet your face its not as if the water makes your hair disappear.

If I were you I would use warm water and an aloe/tea tree gel to shave. Its alot nicer on your skin and doesn't give you spots afterward.

Damn lad, dry shave... :eek: :confused:
Reply 6
Hell yeah bad idea. That will be why you are getting spots mate. With gel you can still see what you are doing and also if you wet your face its not as if the water makes your hair disappear.

If I were you I would use warm water and an aloe/tea tree gel to shave. Its alot nicer on your skin and doesn't give you spots afterward.

Damn lad, dry shave... :eek: :confused:


:eek: :eek: lucky u havent cut urself seriously. u MUST use warm water! lol
i dry shave, just because i can see what i am doing, bad idea?

ouch! yes very bad idea.
More likely to cut yourself.
Reply 8
I normally shave once a week when it starts to get a little long, but when i shave i have some sports where the hair was, should i shave more often and is it the hair that gives me the spots?


Yeah I use king of shaves gel when I started out shaving, I tend to get rashes and spots too. It seemed to do the trick.

When you shave, put hot water on your face first to open the poures, apply your lubricant, shave, then wash your face with cold water to close the poures. If you do not close the poors, they remain open, allowing dirt to get in thus resulting in unattractive spots!

Reply 9
my friends shaved me a hitler :mad:
Reply 10
a hitler ???

and use a after shave balm, i used too and the rashy spots never came back, niva do a good one...
Reply 11
have a hot shower
use king of shaves oil
use a mach 3 with a fresh razor
shave downwards in small strokes not going other areas multiple times
wash off face with warm water
wash of face with ice cold water to close pores
dab face with clean towel

alala a recipe for a perfect shave.
Reply 12
have a hot shower
use king of shaves oil
use a mach 3 with a fresh razor
shave downwards in small strokes not going other areas multiple times
wash off face with warm water
wash of face with ice cold water to close pores
dab face with clean towel

alala a recipe for a perfect shave.


there really should be an "ultimate shaving thread" or something.
Reply 13
i have a free sample of king of shaves and i use wilkinson sword razors, the ones with 8 in (4 + 4 free)
Reply 14
Dry shaving is bad. Use warm water and shaving foam. If you want to dry shave then get an electric razor. Surely you need to shave more than once a week?? Stubble is a good look anyway!
Reply 15
yeah probaly should shave more than once a week because it does get long, the time i shave it means it isnt that long when im at work so i shave before the start of the week when i go back to work, i just normally cant be bothered.
Reply 16
use good quality and always sharp blades and warm water. you could use a hot towel and pat your face with it prior. don't shave if your a spotty kid, you'll get scars :/
Reply 17
use good quality and always sharp blades and warm water. you could use a hot towel and pat your face with it prior. don't shave if your a spotty kid, you'll get scars :/

so if i have a couple of spots what can i do then?
Reply 18
its best to use an electric razor if u have lots of spots, as its a safer option and u wont cut them open and get scars as xelprep said.
Reply 19
do you still get scars if you have a spot but because it is dry when you touch it, it easily falls off?