The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Hey everyone just to ask is anyone in acfs ncfs or any other ccf corp at thier school or otherwise ???

Bring on Summer Camp............

LI CCF Core..... I'm an acting lieutenant until speech day when its official.....
Reply 2
Yup, I was a Flt Sgt :biggrin:
i hav just left and i got to CWO (oh yeah!) Cadet warrant officer in the RAF. :biggrin:
Reply 4
i hav just left and i got to CWO (oh yeah!) Cadet warrant officer in the RAF. :biggrin:

Respecit......... We got to go to the home of a little regiment in Gloucestershire (?) cos one of the guyz had two bros in the regiment
Reply 5
nope, it looks like hell. i do granny bashing instead!
Reply 6
Was in CCF at school.....for all of a term, most of which I spent campaigning to be allowed to leave but silly guy in charge said there would be to much paperwork. Think I only joined in the first place was cos I fancied one of the hot male teachers (who has now left)- god! how embarrasing and pathetic!
Reply 7
i was in the CCF for 1 year and two terms.... got to corporal/sergeant then left before A2 exams. Shame really, cuz after exams EVERYONE who was about to leave got automatic promotions to Cadet Officer!
Reply 8
used to be for 3 years. only got promoted once cos they had loads of high ranks already which was pretty annoying because it stopped people getting anywhere. Nearly inspired me to go in the army but thought better of it when i decided i want a big family when im older.
Reply 9
wait a minute sophieliz from the other thread you must have been in the welly school ccf and i'm guessing the sill man in charge in either lungers or Rev and the hot male teacher must be Chalk, Armatige don't know who else
wait a minute sophieliz from the other thread you must have been in the welly school ccf and i'm guessing the sill man in charge in either lungers or Rev and the hot male teacher must be Chalk, Armatige don't know who else

Yeah-silly man is Dungers/Lugly/Lungers. I had to cry in front of him before I was allowed to leave (crocodile tears may I just add). And you're also right about Chalk and Armitage. Good luck with your results and try not to get into a fistie fight with Ben next year.