Hey - I'm the guy from this thread -
http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1115542So the past day or two has had it's ups and downs. Today was going well, I went to my lecture, talked to some accquaintances in my tutorial and sat next to them, we had a chat afterwards (I did ask if they want to get coffee but, one was going to the gym, the other to meet his girlfriend) I went to the library, talked to some other people I know. I did feel a bit less lonely.
Anyway - fast foward to about 15 minutes, I'm at the bar in my halls (it's the last night at the bar - although only about a quarter of the people were there) I'm making an effort to make conversation and I feel no one wants to talk to me. The first thing that happened when I walked in, I saw my flatmates (the two guys) sitting with a group of 4 other people from that flat they always hang out with. I heard one of my flatmates say loudly "Oh look it's..." then he said a few more words I didn't hear and the table just gave me an evilish stare. I just walked past, I tried to talk to some people but, it seems they're all in cliques and to be honest I just don't know what to say, I just felt so unconfident and the conversations that I did have just seemed so awkward (maybe if I was drinking it would have helped but, I can't drink tonight as I have my job first thing in the morning tommorow and I can't turn up hungover for work)
So I left and now I feel like emotional ****, yet again. Firstly, (unless I'm now being really paranoid) I've established my flatmates hate me (they didn't even tell me they were going to the bar btw) secondly, I can't talk to anyone in my halls because of the past few weeks my confidence has taken a knock or something, this is so different to the first month or so of Uni when I was getting along with everyone and I felt super-confident and it seemed like everyone was enjoying my company, now they just seem awkward and they don't want to talk to me, Thirdly everyone in my halls seems to be split off into groups so I have no idea who to talk to and how to even approach them or even what to say, I actually feel like a social retard because of all of this.
Anyway, for now I can focus on making friends on my course, at my job and in societies, however I am seriously considering moving halls now. Does anyone think I should stick it out for a bit or talk to my warden or any advice at all? I might go back down to the bar for one last ditch effort to try and have a good night out (I was planning to go out clubbing as well but, now I don't feel like it, also there were a few socials with various societies that I wish I went to instead now but, oh well)
Thanks and also Thanks for the advice in the last thread, it made me feel a bit better I guess.