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Reply 1
athlete...boring coldplay wannabes but have failed**e...all songs soun the same..bassist is wierd
oasis..liam a c**k, but they r a great band
coldplay..another fantastic band
razorlight...more like razorshi*e..johnny borrell can he be nemore of a kn*b
magic numbers..havent heard much of their wat ive heard sounds good.
kasier chiefs..another gd band..from the glasto highlights they seem like a good live band
Reply 2
Athlete, - Brilliantly original first album, second album not as good, but brilliant live so i love them.
Interpol, - Massivly underated, why are killers getting songs in the top 10 but relitivly few people have heard of interpol. I've never met another person who bought turn on the bright lights when it came out
Oasis, - Liams a bit of a tw*t sometimes, but they have written some of the best music ever recorded and they were amazing live.
Coldplay - They're good but they're starting to getting a bit borring, i can handle 2 albums in a row that sound the same but hopefully the next will be a little different
Razorlight - total and utter crap, they take songs by other bands and make them worse. they are the worst thing (appart from that frog) about british music at the moment. if they're still successful after a second album i'll be gutted.
magic numbers - i like them, but they won't be around for long.
kaiser chiefs - i like i predict a riot, i don't like na na na na nah they sound alot like dogs die in hot cars.
Reply 3
Athlete, - Brilliantly original first album, second album not as good, but brilliant live so i love them.
Interpol, - Massivly underated, why are killers getting songs in the top 10 but relitivly few people have heard of interpol. I've never met another person who bought turn on the bright lights when it came out
Oasis, - Liams a bit of a tw*t sometimes, but they have written some of the best music ever recorded and they were amazing live.
Coldplay - They're good but they're starting to getting a bit borring, i can handle 2 albums in a row that sound the same but hopefully the next will be a little different
Razorlight - total and utter crap, they take songs by other bands and make them worse. they are the worst thing (appart from that frog) about british music at the moment. if they're still successful after a second album i'll be gutted.
magic numbers - i like them, but they won't be around for long.
kaiser chiefs - i like i predict a riot, i don't like na na na na nah they sound alot like dogs die in hot cars.

^ I agree, although I don't mind Razorlight, and Kaiser Chiefs are *really* growing on me. (Partly because I want a successful band from Leeds as much as anything).
Coldplay kick ass..their amazing...
Kasier cheifs i thought were rubbish but after watching them on the Live8US I beggining to changemy mind
the others arnt worth a mention
Reply 5
Good thread.

Athlete - Liked a lot of their earlier, more quirky stuff. Including my favourite: "You Got the Style" from their first album. However, I think people throw unecessary sissy fits over their second album; "Tourist". It is a good album, and it pisses me off when everyone says they sound like Coldplay now. They do not! They're nowhere near as good as Coldplay. "Tourist" is a good album, I back this up by the fact that it stayed in the iTunes Top 10 Albums for a huge amount of time (in fact he may still be there). And cool people buy iTunes music! :p: Favourite tracks include; "Tourist", "Wires", "Beautiful" and "Twentyfour Hours" from the second album. I love "Tourist". I have to say though, Joel's voice is really unique and is one of the main reasons why I like Athlete, however there are times, when his voice REALLY annoys me. Like on "Half-Light". So definitely a negative there. Overall Athlete are a good band, rather original I think, some great tracks, good voice...but occasionally very irritating. Not like Coldplay!

Interpol - Haven't heard a GREAT deal of their stuff, but what I have heard is amazing. I like "Specialist" and am in LOVE with "Evil". I think "Evil" is one of the best songs I have heard in a while. Love it. I really like their new one as well. I think Interpol are great. Big bashy drums, but the best thing is the individuality of the singer's voice. It's really low, and kind of enticing. I really do think the singer seals Interpol's success. Yeah, big thumbs up from me. :biggrin:

Oasis - I like a lot of their old stuff. Some great classic tracks, they've got to the point that their tracks are played at discos and are shoved on "Greatest Hits" CDs everywhere. They really do define the 90s I reckon. This means that some of their songs are a bit tainted, because they're so commercial, if that makes sense. Favourites include; "Live Forever", "Wonderwall", "So Sally Can Wait", "Little by Little", "Stop Crying Your Heart Out", and "Stand By Me". Their latest album is meant to be their best, but I wasn't too impressed with "Lyla". It seemed very repetitive and, um, bland. But I have to admit, it is a grower, but still, wasn't too impressive at all. Liam's voice grates me on it, and it's just, no, not a fan. In fact thinking of the chorus, it really annoys me. The video was crap too. So yeah, Oasis, a good band, but no, I'm by no means a hardcore fan. And it's Noel that pisses me off, not Liam. Noel is a great songwriter though. And "Live Forever" and "Wonderwall" are bloody good songs!! Amazing those two.

Coldplay - Bloody great band. One of my all time favourites, with Turin Brakes. I love Coldplay. Their first album was the best, which normally would suggest they're rather crap if their second two have been worst than the first. But "A Rush of Blood to the Head" and "X&Y" are still both amazing. "Parachutes" though, is a fantastic record. "Shiver" - one of my all time favourites, as is: "Spies"; all of them! "Parachutes" is one of those albums whereby EVERY SINGLE TRACK is amazing! The non-singles are even better than the releases themselves. "A Rush of Blood to the Head" was another great record. Stand outs for me include; "Green Eyes" (love that song), "Clocks", "The Scientist", "God Put A Smile Upon Your Face". I love the latest album too. "Square One", "What If", "Talk", "Low", "Fix You", "Swallowed in the Sea" are all great tracks. Funnily enough, I actually dislike "Speed of Sound" the most. "Fix You" is a great song though, probably the second single. Especially as it's been featured in "The OC" already. So yeah, Coldplay - ****ing great! Great live as well. I could go on for ages...

Razorlight - No, not a fan. Sorry. I really liked them when "Stumble and Fall" came out, and they were relatively unknown. I thought they showed great potential then, and that they'd turn out to be a really great band. I loved "Stumble and Fall", and I really thought that Razorlight, along with Billy Talent, would become two fav bands of mine. Not to be. "Golden Touch" or whatever it was was awful, and other stuff by them isn't too good. "Somewhere Else" was quite good with it's big and bashy drums, but I HATE the singer, Johnny. I would personally see to it that he was removed from this earth if I could; he's so gormless and just...urgh!! Get a hair wash, and cut it whilst you're at it, and shut your mouth! no, not a Razorlight fan at all. Good first single, but think they're greatly overrated.

The Magic Numbers - Don't know enough to comment formally. Heard about one song, apparently they're up and coming. But don't sound too interesting to me.

Kaiser Chief - Quality band. "Unemployment" is a top notch record! :p: And their releases have been excellent. I think they do something different from the Indie set that are swarming around at the moment. (Has Indie ever been so big?!). Kaiser Chiefs are cool. "Oh My God" is a fab record; comedy genius as well, I just really like it, I think it's fantastically original and individual. "I Predict A Riot" is a great song also. I love it, it's one of those tolerable long-term songs; I can never get sick of it, you just have to get up and throw yourself about to it! What a song. "Everyday I Love You Less and Less" is good too, a bit more commercial than the rest, and the keyboard grates after a while, but none the less still good, more pop-influenced I feel. The whole album's good though, I reckon they'll be around for a while. And after seeing them at Glastonbury and Live 8 Philly, they seem to be one of the best live acts around at the moment. So, yep. :biggrin: I have to say, has anyone else noticed they do that big shouty thing in the middle of ALL of their songs. They do a big; "AAAAAAAAAARGH!!". Yep, the House of Kaiser rocks!
Athlete - Not really listened to their album enough, but generally too slow and downbeat

Interpol - Only heard a cpouple of tracks, but will definately be looking into them more

Oasis - Dont believe the truth is them back at their best. rhythmic, profound and still hard - amazing.

Coldplay - X & Y wasnt the classic i hoped it would be, Ive realy lost faith in Chris Martin's songwriting ability. they do bang out a few amazing songs per album thiugh.

Razorlight - :eek: Why is everyone so anti-Razorlight? Okay Borrell is a **** and an arrogant performer, but up all night is an abolute classic, that album changed my music taste more than any other, its consistently brilliant start to finish

The Magic Numbers - most overrated band here, their album is a real let down. it seems like their gimmick didnt even pad out to a whole album. they will stick around but they'll be playing pubs in 10 yrs...

and Kaiser Chiefs - i shouldnt like them, but i do, songs have no substance whatsoever, but are generally all catchy.

Futureheads anyone??? :biggrin:
Athlete: Don't like the singers voice and a lot of their songs.

Interpol: I like very muchly and indeed are very underrated and relatively unheard of. Antics is a great album, Turn on the bright lights I got after that and haven't really listened to it enough. Good live too.

Oasis: One of my all time fave bands, so many amazing songs, classic rock 'n' roll.

Coldplay: Favourite band of the moment after X&Y and seeing them live, nothing and no-one can touch them for absolute awesomeness supertastic fantasian incredibleness :smile:

Razorlight: Good album, quite similar to oasis in the fact that the lead singer is a complete tosser though, still they make good music, not as good when i first heard demo versions of their songs when they sounded much more shambolic and Libertinesy, spose thats why they've gotten quite popular in that their music is now quite mass appealing and listener friendly.

Magic Numbers: I like what little i've heard, may get the album if/when i can afford it.

Kaiser Chiefs: Opinion has changed so many times with them, liked them before the album came out, hated them when i found out how shabby it was, liking them again now they seem to suddenly have gotten good live, they were pretty poor a few months ago.
Athlete: Liked early stuff like You Got The Style and Dungeness. Quickly got bored. New album was not a fun listen. Good for getting to sleep though.

Interpol: Awesome band. Original sound, great vocalist and lyrically - though some criticise them - I find them deep and moving without ever being pretentious. Evil is awesome (and got an entire episode of The OC more or less) but for me the stand-out Antics track was Take You On A Cruise.

Oasis: Yeah, classic rock'n'roll. Simple as. Some awesome songs in the past - Don't Look Back In Anger, Champagne Supernova, Wonderwall, Live Forever, Stop Crying Your Heart Out... but last two albums were bland and generic.

Coldplay: Not heard X&Y but the single from it sucks royally - it is the kind of music a computer would make if you had it produce the average of every variable in previous Coldplay tracks. Bland and uninspired. Clocks and The Scientist were great though and Politik is in my opinion one of the best songs ever.

Razorlight: Golden Touch ruled and they were great live, though got consistently worse as Johnny got consistently more full of himself. Once he started taking off his shirt it became almost comedy but at Live8 I'd already seen too many emaciated chests and little cocks on the emotive videos and I lost my ability to listen to them. A shame because Up All Night is a pretty good, but not excellent, album.

Magic Numbers: I like that one song that gets played everywhere every second of every day. Not heard much else. They seem like nice people.

Kaiser Chiefs: Oh My God! and I Predict A Riot are great, witty, accessible songs that it's very hard not to like. Everything else I've heard has been weak and uninspiring.
Reply 9
Meh, Wonderful, Meh, Meh, Bleuuugh, Sublime, Alright.

There, why use many when one word'll do?

Athlete: hadnt really heard much of their stuff but then a mate had a spare ticket to see them & they were wicked. bought both their albums and prefer the 1st one but tourist is still good.

Interpol: hadnt really heard any of their stuff but saw them when they supported coldplay last week, they were ok but i cant really remember any of their set!

Oasis: some good songs but am not a fan

Coldplay:love them. chris martins voice is amazing. has taken me a while to get into x&y though cos i was waiting for ages for it.

Razorlight: love them. seen them live 3 times now and they blew me away each time. I love the energy they have. each song is brilliant. i love in the city, vice, golden touch. johnny borrell is a bit arrogant but he has charisma, you need a front man with confidence.

Magic Numbers: not a major fan, have only heard their stuff on the radio

Kaiser Chiefs: like them, witty lyrics and catchy up-beat numbers. again a band with energy.
Reply 11
Athlete, Interpol, Oasis, Coldplay, Razorlight, The Magic Numbers and Kaiser Chiefs.

Athlete - crap live, boring as anything.

Interpol - One good song, when i saw them live they were a bit jet lagged, but that cant be helped.

Oasis - Fantastic live (seen them twice, third soon) and they are consistently good. You may not like the newer stuff at first, but i feel songs such as little by little and sunday morning call could just as easily be off one of the first albums. The Masterplan is absaloutely fantastic for a collection of B-sides

Coldplay - Have some excellent songs and Chris Martin's voice is very good. However, a lot of it is a little bit samey, speed of sounds/clocks might as well have been written the same time tbh. But you cant complain when its of such a high standard.

Razorlight - I liked one song of the album, not that i can remember what it was called. They sound a bit too much like everyone else atm.

The Magic Numbers - hairy. boring live. The songs themselves are not bad but are not very well translated live.

Kaiser Chiefs - I think they are marmite, love or hate. When they first came out i really, really hated them. But i appreciate the catchiness and appropriate ness of the songs. They may all follow similar structures but are equally good, if you like them.
Athlete- have a few really really good songs, but arent always amazing
Interpol- dont actually listen to them
Oasis- didnt like them but then saw them live last week and they were amazing, brilliant atmosphere (theyve gone up in my books!)
Coldplay- saw them live last night....absolutely mind blowing. the best band ive seen live. amazing.
Razorlight- few good songs, nothing special
The Magic Numbers- have only heard two songs by them, and they make me happy, so okay i guess :smile:
and Kaiser Chiefs - really good album, easy listening :smile:

Athlete, - Brilliantly original first album, second album not as good, but brilliant live so i love them.
Interpol, - Massivly underated, why are killers getting songs in the top 10 but relitivly few people have heard of interpol. I've never met another person who bought turn on the bright lights when it came out
Oasis, - Liams a bit of a tw*t sometimes, but they have written some of the best music ever recorded and they were amazing live.
Coldplay - They're good but they're starting to getting a bit borring, i can handle 2 albums in a row that sound the same but hopefully the next will be a little different
Razorlight - total and utter crap, they take songs by other bands and make them worse. they are the worst thing (appart from that frog) about british music at the moment. if they're still successful after a second album i'll be gutted.
magic numbers - i like them, but they won't be around for long.
kaiser chiefs - i like i predict a riot, i don't like na na na na nah they sound alot like dogs die in hot cars.

Athlete's first album is fantastic. It is so orginial and sounds like nothing else hence why I was really disappointed with the second and don't really like them much anymore. Not because it isn't good but because I think they have almost sold out to become like everyone else and sell more music. I used to be a HUGE fan, saw them at V2003 complete with homemade tshirts and a banner, then in liverpool later that year where I met them and had a lovely chat and then again a week later but now I probably wouldn't bother to go see them.

As for Razorlight I used to quite like these but this was when I saw them in 2003 supporting some awful band at a gig which cost £5 to go to :p: At this point they were alright when you consider they were an unsigned band playing a tiny gig.

Coldplay no longer boring!!! Went to see them just after Rush of Blood was released and it was a fantastic experience..they were great at V2003 and last night they proved to me that the new album is fantastic live!!
Reply 14
What do we think of the above?

Like all of them apart from Interpol and The Magic Numbers.

Coldplay are the pick of the bunch.

Coldplay are the pick of the bunch.

i agree! :biggrin:
Reply 16
Well having now listened to all of the latest albums from the above bands I'd have to order them (the records) as follows with best songs:
Magic Numbers (Love me like you)
Kaiser Chiefs (Oh my god)
Interpol (slow hands - best song from all these albums)(i agree completely with whoever said they are massively underrated)
Coldplay (speed of sound probs)
Athlete ( half light (i think its called, half something neway))
Oasis (1 before lyla on the album will edit this post later i think)
Razor Light (golden touch)

Out of all the albums I've bought this year I love Kasabian, Killers (last year i no), Keane (ditto), Kaisers (4 ks - nice), Interpol and Coldplay, although i wouldnt have bought the others if I didnt think they were good records too.

So what do people reckon to Kasabian and Thirteen Senses just round off the list? I assume you all love The Killers and probably Keane too.
Killers - YES YES YES!
Keane - YES YES!

Whoever started this thread has great taste in music, may I say. I'm not a huge Oasis fan but I see the attraction but i'm loving all of the others at the moment.
Reply 18
of all the above my favourite is Interpol, although they borrow heavily from Joy division which is particularly evident in the vocalist's voice. The rest are annoying or are just plain unoriginal, like Oasis AKA Beatles wanabes and Coldplay AKA Radiohead Wanabes. Sorry all you coldplay and oasis fans, i find their music bland and unoriginal.
Reply 19
Wow...the title of this thread reads like the frontpage of an edition of NME.

You can decide whether thats a good thing or not :smile:.