wow some not too great advice going round here.
For a start, eating big alone will NOT mean you grow any muscle. you need to stimulate the muscle into growth by lifting weights. TO get max. mass I think you want heavy weights, but not so heavy that you can only do 2-3 reps (this is the range to increase strength, not mass). Aim for maybe reps of 6, and chose a weight that will make the 6th and final rep really push yourself. The aim is to break muscle fibres, and so your body will grow them back even larger. After a number of these breaking downs and building ups you will notice the muscle gets bigger.
Second, bodyfat does NOT turn to muscle, so don't eat fat "to turn to muscle". Eat protein, this will be broken down to amino acids and then remade into miscle fibres when your body repairs. But also don't cut out other stuff, keep eating healthy food and eat a lot. Your body will not put muscle on if you are not eating enough calories, and so if you workout and are not eating enough you may even lose muscle mass.
Do one muscle group at a minimum of 3 days apart (except maybe abs which can handle less than that, especially when youve been training with the same program for a number of weeks), and do all the streching and warming down stuff afterwards. Make sure you have something to eat either half an hour before going to the gym or straight after you've been like a sandwich or something.
And yes if you want to get big take creatine.. but dont take it if you are just starting, take it after a few weeks at least once you get into the routine and know what youre doing